Given that i code mostly in Python and R, those are the two (sets of) bundles i use most often. There are a few others i use that i'll mention here though because they might be of interest to a larger group. I'll also try to recommend lesser known, or at least lesser-used bundles, i.e., those outside the official repository.
The first is Pygments. If you use TextMate and you use Pygments, this is an excellent time-saver for 'Pygmentizing' code snippets. (If you don't know Pygments, it is a syntax highlighter written in Python, useful for e.g., highlighting code snippets for insertion into blog posts, and the like.) This Bundle is available on TM's Github repository.
Another favorite Bundle is Man Pages, also a small utility-like Bundle, rather than a language bundle. Highlight a shell command or just put your cursor on it, call up the Man Bundle > "View Man Page" and you'll get the full text of the man page for that command in an HTML window separate from your script, with proper headers and other formatting, so that you can actually read it--no rtf symbols, no scrolling, etc.