
In textmate, how do I make javadoc style comments like I can in eclipse?

In eclipse, when I want to document a function (in java or javascript source) I can just type /**, then hit enter, and I get a comment like this /** * * Fluctuates all variables to more compatibly foo all the bars * * @PARAM {int} foo */ function flucvar (foo) { } When hitting enter inside the comment, eclipse automatically...

How can I change language contexts in Textmate bundles?

I'd like to get my Textmate bundles to use the correct contexts based on what I'm editing. For example I use YUI a lot so I'd like the HTML bundle to use the YUI JS bundle instead of the standard JS one, etc. Can anyone suggest where and what I should be editing to make that happen. Bonus points for tips on bundle editing. ...

Downloadable data resources / content for iphone / ipod applications

I am working on an application that uses quite a large amount of content (images and text). I would like to be able to provide additional content bundles to those - and only to those - who already have my app on their device. E.g., if my app were a newspaper / magazine / book reader, I want to give the subscribers the ability to download...

Service References in OSGi

Once an instance of an OSGi service is retrieved from the bundle context does it become invalidated when the service is stopped? My initial tests show that the service instance can be used even after the service bundle is stopped, which contradicts my understanding of the dynamic nature of OSGi. I suppose this boils down to what retri...

OSGi Bundle Repositories

I am empirically testing OSGi Bundles and their relationships for this I need lots of bundles. Making these datasets is a difficult task. I already have Eclipse update (1700 Bundles) sites and Spring Enterprise bundle repository for testing, however I want more, anyone out there got massive amounts of bundles. I don't even need the cod...

what is the difference between framework and bundle in iphone OS?

Hello, what is the difference between framework and bundle in iphone OS? ...

What is your favorite textmate plugin or bundle?

Textmate is a great editor with lots of plugins and bundles, hoping to find a few more that will make Textmate even more useful. I personally can't live without Ack in Project (http://github.com/protocool/ack-tmbundle), the built in search for textmate is awful, ack in project does searches 100x faster. What's your favorite Textmate pl...

Maven: Unresolved references to [org.osgi.service.http]

I'm trying to create a bundle using HttpService for register Servlet using maven-bundle-plugin. The pom.xml of the project is: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"&gt; <mo...

Is there a counterpart of Mac OS-X filesystem bundles on Windows?

What I need is a directory which the user can handle as a single file in the Windows explorer. Does something like this exist? If not, what comes closest? ...

Reading OSGI bundles in a maven project?

I have two projects: One "pure" maven project and another PDE project which I build with maven3/tycho. Now I would like to use some of the bundles that I build from the PDE project (using maven 3) in the pure maven project. My first idea was to use maven3 to deploy the bundles to a nexus server and then read them from the server with t...


Hi, I am trying to use dojo build system for minification and compressing of all dojo and custom modules into a single javascript file using the untjs.profile.js profile file. The sample code for this profile file is as follows: dependencies = { layers: [{ name: "dojo.js", customBase: true, discard: true,...

Find out dependencies for a any .jar bundle

I am developing OSGi bundles using Eclipse. I test the code, using an Eclipse OSGi runtime configuration. The code works fine there, but when I export the bundles as jars and try to use them in another environment (pax-runner, for instance) I get ClassNotFound exceptions at runtime. The bundles are installed fine, with no errors. I exec...

passing bundles from one SUBACTIVITY to another SUBACTIVITY

Hi there. I have been having a problem with passing data in bundles. I have been able to pass data from Main activity(1) to a subactivity(2) and back with n prob. But I also have another subactivity(3) within the subactivity(2) screen ( basically it goes to a whole new screen) - you manipulate data, then return to the previous screen(su...

Cocoa: Correct way to get list of possible PlugIns directories for an app?

In a Cocoa app generally we can install a plugin bundle in one of a number of places. If for example the app is called "MyApp" you'd be able to install the plugin at: /Applications/MyApp.app/Contents/PlugIns ~/Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Network/Library/Application Support/MyAp...