
Android: Subactivity problem

Hi, I created an application which consists of several activities. If I start a subactivity named DlgTitleTags from main activity everything goes well. Another case is when I start a subactivity DlgLibrary and then from DlgLibrary DlgTitleTags the execution fails on line: setContentView(R.layout.title_tags_dialog); In the first exam...

Android: How to close foreground activity from active activity?

Hi, I created an application which is asynchronously communicating with the server. When the application makes a server request a new dialog (activity) with "loading" notification is created. The main activity implements methods for handling server responses and I would like to close the foreground activity when the main activity receiv...

How to force main Acivity to wait for subactivity in Android?

hi, I am calling a subactivity from main activity. This subactivity should take few numbers from user (i'm using Edit text control to achieve this), save them to static variable in another class and terminate. I want main activity to wait for subactivity but both are just running simultaneously. Even doing sth like that doesn't help: ...

Howto extend SomeActivity to relocate e.g. onCreateOptionsMenu?

Hi everyone, I know this should be fairly simple but I don't get it anyhow. I've got an Activity (let's call it XyActivity) which has gotten pretty long. Therefore, I'd like to relocate some overriden methods to a subclass (let's call it XyOptions). Looks like that: public class XyActivity extends Activity { XyOptions xyOptions; ...

Main activity grayed-out/disabled on Back button

I have a problem on going back (clicking the Back button) from sub-activity to main activity: from my main activity I launch a new one (with passing some extras): Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), SearchResults.class); i.putExtra(SearchResults.RESULTS_EXTRA_KEY, searchResult); i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); star...

Android ==> Sub Activity????

Is it possible to add an activity on top of the current activity. For example lets say i click a button, and then it adds a second activity to the current activity. And the second activity only covers a small place at the buttom of my current activity. ...

Displaying a MapView with a SubAcivity

Hi, I have a main activity. its main.xml generates a view that holds a slider, which on click, reveles some area for conent. In this area I want to display a map. so I need a second activity. I am able to call the sub activity but I want it to be displayed in the area of the slider of the main.xml, however the map has its own mapview.xm...

How to keep the header of a Tab in a SubActivity?

Hey, i've got this Tabhost: TabHost tabHost = getTabHost(); TabHost.TabSpec spec; Intent intent; /** Initialization Tab1 */ intent = new Intent(this, Tab1.Class); spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab1").setIndicator("Tab1").setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); /** Initial...

passing bundles from one SUBACTIVITY to another SUBACTIVITY

Hi there. I have been having a problem with passing data in bundles. I have been able to pass data from Main activity(1) to a subactivity(2) and back with n prob. But I also have another subactivity(3) within the subactivity(2) screen ( basically it goes to a whole new screen) - you manipulate data, then return to the previous screen(su...