
How can a software developer become location independent?

I have been playing with the idea of working from wherever I happen and want to be. Every now and then there is a need to change the scenery. So far I have done that simply by finding a job and relocating from country to another inside Europe. Luckily, this is pretty straightforward inside EU for an IT professional with some experience...

Eclipse: Relocating a git repo from project to workspace

I've been working on an Eclipse plug-in project for a while now, and I've run into a situation where I need to split the project up to seperate the test cases from the plug-in package. I'm using git as version control. To describe this simply, I'm versioning the old project like this: workspace/ | +-- myplugin/ | ...

Questions about the Atlanta Software Engineering Market

My wife is likely being relocated to Atlanta next year for work. I'm trying to figure out a few things about the Atlanta market for Programmers, Software Engineers and Technical Leaders. Any insight would be helpful, but I also have a few specific questions: Is the market for .NET Professionals in good shape? Or hurting right now? A...

How to modify repository settings in Redmine?

It might sound like a dumb question but I can't for the life of me find the answer to this one. We have a project set up in Redmine, linked to a SVN repository. Everything is working fine, but we recently did a repository relocation and we need to update the Redmine setting for it to point to the new repo. The problem is, the option is...

Typical Internship Relocation Package

As someone who was recently offered an internship at a large international company, I'm wondering what the typical benefits package for a relocating intern is? Are relocation packages typically even offered, or do most places just expect inters to cough up the cash to travel out there? Length: 3+ months Distance: Over 3000 miles away. ...

Is there a way to change the preferred base address of a dll once it's compiled?

I'd like to modify the base address of a few compiled dlls I'm using to move them out of the middle of the virtual space and help with big allocations. Anybody knows of a tool to do that? If it's doable in the loader it seems it would be possible do to it permanently in the dll file. ...

relocation task

Is there any difference between the address space relocation and the relocation task done by the linker??As far as I know ,relocation task done by the linker includes process of connecting the symbolic references to symbolic definitions.And address space relocation is concerned when the executable file is to be brought into the memory an...

How prevent from dynamic relocation (rela.dyn)?

I am trying to run a simple program on an powerpc embedded system without any operating system. I am using GNU compiler-linker tools and PSIM as simulator. I've written my own very simple Linker Directive file. I've used a global variable in my static library and want to use that variable in my sample program. But while linking the samp...

"rela.dyn", is it a must in linker directives?

Is rela.dyn section required in all linker directives even if you just want a static library to be linked? I do not want dynamic relocation of libraries(dynamic linker or run-time loader)? Should I still have a rela.dyn part in my linker directive? ...

What is ActivePerl doing when it "relocates" files during installation?

Given some unix program which I've compiled, what might I need to do to relocate it to a different directory and have it continue running correctly. I'm thinking of Perl, but would be interested in other systems like Apache which also seem to fail when this is done. To motivate the question, being able to perform this sort of relocation...

SVN Switch Relocate - is not the root of the repository

I'm trying to move a working copy folder from it's old dedicated svn server, to a new svn server where it is contained within a sub-folder. Using the following relocate command: svn switch --relocate https://oldserver/svn/repos https://newserver/some/directory I get: svn: 'https://newserver/some/directory ' is not the root of the re...

Dynamic relocation of code section

Just out of curiosity I wonder if it is possible to relocate a piece of code during the execution of a program. For instance, I have a function and this function should be replaced in memory each time after it has been executed. One idea that came up our mind is to use self-modifying code to do that. According to some online resources, s...

Migrating a website to a new domain, and associated google index problem

Hi, We currently have a website at "". We do not own this server (or this domain name). Due to capacity problems, we are now moving to a new server. Since we do not own the old domain name, we are also moving to a new domain name. Since we'll need to abandon the old server soon, we'll be redirecting all requests...

ELF and processor specific aspects of dynamic linking

I am trying to understand the process of dynamic linking, in detail. For the purpose, I tried digging into .got section of ELF. q.1 : I read in ELF Standard 1.2(Appendix) that Global offset table's format and interpretation are processor specific. Can some body please help me, why we dont have standard for this as well and why it has to...

Why is a function executed from the same memory address each time?

I'm disassembling an executable: (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x004012d0 <main+0>: push %ebp 0x004012d1 <main+1>: mov %esp,%ebp ... Each time the memory address is the same:0x004012d0. Isn't the memory address to be dynamically assigned by the OS? UPDATE Now I see it's virtual space,and it c...

Problem in linking an nasm code

I'm using a computer with an Intel Core 2 CPU and 2GB of RAM. The SO is Ubuntu 9.04. When I try to compile this code: ;programma per la simulazione di un terminale su PC, ottenuto utilizzando l'8250 ;in condizione di loopback , cioè Tx=Rx section .code64 section .data TXDATA EQU 03F8H ;TRASMETTITORE RXDATA EQU 03F8H ;RICEVITORE...

Howto extend SomeActivity to relocate e.g. onCreateOptionsMenu?

Hi everyone, I know this should be fairly simple but I don't get it anyhow. I've got an Activity (let's call it XyActivity) which has gotten pretty long. Therefore, I'd like to relocate some overriden methods to a subclass (let's call it XyOptions). Looks like that: public class XyActivity extends Activity { XyOptions xyOptions; ...

How is it that main function is always loaded at the same address whereas variables have different address most of the time?

Hey guys! I wrote this small program today and I was blown away by the results. Here is the program int main(int argc, char **argv) { int a; printf("\n\tMain is located at: %p and the variable a is located at address: %p",main, return 0; } on my machine the main function is always loaded at address "0x80483d4" and the address of ...

at will vs guaranteed employment

I'm a hiring manager (still a dev too ;-) for a midsize company and we put out a good offer to a senior developer. The candidate requires a serious relocation to our area, and we did give him a good relo package. However, he is now looking to have his position "guaranteed" for at least a year, and is insistent that this is a standard h...

How to apply DOP and keep a nice user interface?

Hello coders out there! Currently I want to optimize my 3d engine for consoles a bit. More precisely I want to be more cache friendly and align my structures more data oriented, but also want to keep my nice user interface. For example: bool Init() { // Create a node ISceneNode* pNode = GetSystem()->GetSceneManager()->AddNode("vie...