
Which language uses .pde extension?

While searching for an implementation of the Barnsley's Fern fractal i came across a implementation that has .pde extension which programming language uses this extension? Implemantation Page ...

Headless build of eclipse features - PDE Tools or Buckminster?

I am trying to set up a headless build for a big eclipse feature, containing other features and plugins. As some needed plugins are generated using GMF and EMF, the build workflow must be something like this: SVN Check-out Invoke Generation Run Tests Build all Publish update-site Over the last couple of weeks, i played around with...

Is there a overview of all buckminster commands for the hudson buckminster plugin?

I am trying to set up a continous build of our PDE project using hudson + buckminster. The problem i got is, i can't find any list/documentation of the available commands. I think it should be the headless buckminster commands, unfortunately i can't find them documented either. Anybody got an overview of the available commands? Maybe ...

Is there a headless way to import projects and refresh the workspace?

Hello! Still trying to set up an headless build for a big university project (RCP product). Every Eclipse user knows the following manual functionality: "File --> Import --> Existing projects into workspace" as well as "Build Workspace" and "Clean Workspace" Is there a way to invoke this actions headlessly? Thank you!! ...

Using PDE build, p2 and AdvancedInstaller together

I am building an Eclipse RCP application with the command-line version of PDE build in Eclipse 3.5.1. Then I use AdvancedInstaller to create the installer for the RCP product. I think the context would be similar with InstallShield and similar packagers instead of AdvancedInstaller. If I incorporate p2 provisioning into my build, would ...

Ant PDE Tests Run with JUnit4

Hi, I am trying to automate pde tests, using pde-maven-plugin, maven calls ant task. I followed instructions here:http://www.eclipse.org/articles/article.php?file=Article-PDEJUnitAntAutomation/index.html to create the test.xml Tests failed, first because No Tests Found junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: junit.framework.AssertionF...

How can I point from an Eclipse target-platform.target file to my $HOME/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_$VERSION/plugins?

Bioclipse uses a custom target-platform.target which looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?pde version="3.2"?> <target name="Spring-osgi-1.0.2"> <location useDefault="true"/> <content useAllPlugins="true"> <plugins> </plugins> <features> </features> <extraLocations> <locatio...

Partial differential equations & lineralization?

I'm implementing a series of Partial Differential Equations solver / numerical algorithms. I'm trying to figure out what algorithms can be easily discretized + solved as linear systems. Anyone have pointeres to books / articles on this? Thanks! ...

Speeding up PDE edit-compile-debug cycle

Are there any low-hanging fruit regarding some more efficient way to run and test Eclipse-plugins (within the PDE)? Besides slimming down the Eclipse-configuration, which has already been done. Thanks! ...

How do I get a reference to the current project in an Eclipse plugin?

I'm creating an editor for Eclipse. Right now the editor fires up with the user creates a new file with the appropriate extension. My question is, how can I get a reference to the project in which the file resides? For example, say I have a workspace with 2 projects, P1 and P2. I right click P2 and create a new file, can I get a referenc...

XML schema for Eclipse target definition files

Where can I find the XML schema and/or documentation for Eclipse target definition files (*.target)? ...

Building a jar to be used in an eclipse PDE?

I have written an application that use a third party library. I have then packaged this as an executable jar using the maven-assembly-plugin (producing a jar with all dependencies including some of the third-party jars). Next I need to add this jar to a PDE project so it can be launched from eclipse. But to make this work I need to add ...

How do you store a discretized 3D domain (for solve PDE) in sparse format, when boundary conditions can change?

Hello all, I am looking at solving a problem that is a PDE, and the 3D discretized domain can have a different boundary condition on each of the 6 boundaries (or all the same). What is the best way to put this sparse matrix into a compressed format? Is CSR going to be my only option here? I thought about using ellpack, but I am not sur...

How to use Target Definition in Product Configuration?

I have a question related to Eclipse PDE development. I'm using target definitions to manage my target platform, and would like to include all plugins from one particular target definition in one particular product configuration. It seems like I'm missing an easier way than what I'm currently doing (manually selecting all the stuff fro...

Feedback from eclipse plugin?

I have written an application that I have wrapped into an eclipse plugin (PDE). When I run the plugin from eclipse it either goes well or it fails. If it fails I don't get any feedback on where it went wrong. I am using a logger (logBack) but the messages don't get printed in the console. I guess its because it works as a plugin which ...

Target Platform for PDE Headless build does not work

Hello, I am currently trying to get my headless pde-build working but I am stuck on a point where I do not know how to continue. The problem is how to define the related target platform to compile the plugins against. I have a build.bat with the following call (all in one line!): java -jar D:\target\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox....

PDE headless build: howto run junit tests via ant and cruisecontrol

Hi all, I am working on the automated pde headless build of my rcp application. This works fine after I have solved this issue: target-platform-for-pde-headless-build-does-not-work Now I want to do 2 more things: Integration of that process into cruisecontrol and run my junit-tests which are located in a separate plugin after a successf...

Can load .properties file in eclipse PDE fragment project

I have created an eclipse plugin project and a corresponding fragment project which I use for junit tests. In the fragment I specify the plugin project as the "Host plugin". Further I specify the following on the build.properties pane: source.. = src/ output.. = bin/ bin.includes = META-INF/,\ .,\ my.prope...

Reading OSGI bundles in a maven project?

I have two projects: One "pure" maven project and another PDE project which I build with maven3/tycho. Now I would like to use some of the bundles that I build from the PDE project (using maven 3) in the pure maven project. My first idea was to use maven3 to deploy the bundles to a nexus server and then read them from the server with t...

Synchronize .bundle_pool with local update site?

I have a local eclipse P2 update site containing some features based on some plugins that I have created. I have added this update site to my target platform and can add plugins from the local update site to my PDE projects. When I look at the paths to the plugins it points to: C:\Users\mm\workspace_helios.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse....