
Using customBuildCallbacks.xml in an Eclipse RCP headless build

I am trying to add some custom build steps to my headless build process for an Eclipse RCP application. I understand that the recommended way is to provide a customBuildCallbacks.xml file on the plug-in directory, and adding a link to it in the build.properties file. # This property sets the location of the customb Build callback cus...

Suppressing Popups in Windows

Is there an easy way to tell Windows not to display popups on a headless server machine? Currently occasional application popups are causing my app to freeze because no one is available to press 'Okay' on the console. Just logging to the eventlog would be more than sufficient. ...

Headless Eclipse Build returns ERRORLEVEL 13

Everything was going well. Nightly builds ran for more than a month with no problems. However, suddenly when invoking the feature builder from Eclipse the execution ends right away with the message. ERRORLEVEL 13 As far as I know I haven't changed anything, as this computer is normally not touched. (It is only used for the nightly b...

Java - Differences in AWT from 1.4 to 1.5 ( working on Unix and Windows )

Hi, This is with reference to my question: java.awt.HeadlessException Applets not displayed. There is a next question that has come up from the Sys Admins. They are asking - "Why does java1.5 now requires the explicit export DISPLAY in tomcat at all when java1.4 did not?" So what has changed in java1.5 which is causing it to throw ...

How can I make Cobertura/Emma play nice with an Eclipse application?

My company is in the middle of upgrading our build system to use Buckminster (which has gone well). Naturally the managers would like it if we could automatically generate some of the metrics they use for code while we're at it - one of these metrics is coverage for the unit tests. The previous build, which was PDE-based, resulted in a ...

Programmatically remove Firefox's license agreement dialog

I am running regression tests with Selenium and am automatically launching instances of Firefox. The problem is my tests get stuck because of Firefox's license agreement dialog: . I can't click with the mouse because I am in an headless environment with a virtual graphical environment. I would like to know what Firefox's file can I e...

How can i invoke the EMF Generator headless using a workspace outside the eclipse installation?

Hello! I am trying to generate the edit and the editor code of a EMF Genmodel using a batch file and the headless command. Here is my batch code: cd\ cd C:\eclipse eclipsec -noSplash -data "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\milan\Desktop\SHK\workspaceGalileoTRUNK" -application org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.Generator -edit -editor foo.ba...

Is there a headless way to import projects and refresh the workspace?

Hello! Still trying to set up an headless build for a big university project (RCP product). Every Eclipse user knows the following manual functionality: "File --> Import --> Existing projects into workspace" as well as "Build Workspace" and "Clean Workspace" Is there a way to invoke this actions headlessly? Thank you!! ...

Hudson job does not stop - why?

Hello! My automated build and tests are up and running, everything works fine. Im am using hudson and the pde build (configured with pluginbuilder). When the build succeeds everything is fine, the hudson ball turns blue and so on. But when something goes wrong and the build or tests fail - the Hudson job does NOT end. I am invoking ...

headless xml generation from xsd with eclipse

In recent versions of the free and open source Eclipse IDE you can generate XML documents from DTD and XSD files. Right-click on a given *.dtd or *.xsd file and select "Generate -> XML File...". You can choose which root element to generate and whether optional attributes and elements should be generated. Can i use this headless (witho...

Easiest way to unit test SWT and Swing apps in a headless environment?

I'm looking to unit test some SWT and Swing code for a project I'm working on and the tests run fine as long as I'm running them from eclipse. As soon as I run them in my hudson environment it fails since hudson runs the tests in headless mode. What's the best way of doing this? Open source solutions only please (since the project is ...

Setting headless property in .net

In java you can set a "headless" flag to true to reconcile the differences between a headless server environment and your desktop development environment. System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); So whenever you try to do an operation not supported in a headless environment the VM throws an Exception What are the settings or ...

Running Selenium headless without using xvfb

I'm trying to run Selenium headless (without the browser appearing). Other questions have pointed to xvfb as the tool to do this. However, it appears highly unstable, crashing all the time, so I'm looking for another alternative. Is there a non-xvfb way of running Selenium headless? ...

wsdl2Java fails from Headless Ant

We are working in RAD (7.0.0.x) for development to Websphere 6.1. In our ant script we have the following: <!-- *************************************************** --> <!-- ** Generate WebService Client classes --> <!-- *************************************************** --> <target name="-generate-classes" if="ejbmod...

How to remove cookies from a headless browser provided by HtmlUnit in Java?

I am using HtmlUnit headless browser to access websites. Can the cookies sent by those websites store on my computer when I use that headless browser? If yes, then what's the location where these cookies get saved and how can I remove it through HtmlUnit? ...

Problem in HtmlUnit API for Java (Headless Browser)?

I am using HtmlUnit headless browser to browse this webpage (you can see the webpage to have a better understanding of the problem). I have set the select's value to "1" by the following commands final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.INTERNET_EXPLORER_7); try { // Configuring the webClient web...

OpenOffice.org headless installer

Hi! I use OpenOffice.org only for PDF generation in my project, but my users have to download the whole OpenOffice package if they want to use the software. Is there any Ooo installer which only installs a headless Writer, and wich has a minimal installer which dont includes the other unused components (UI, Impress, etc.)? ...

Eclipse: What is the minimum Eclipse installation needed for a headless PDE build?

Hi, I am currently using PDE build in headless mode to build my OSGI Bundle project. The PDE Antrunner task uses an Eclipse installation and I am just pointing it to my local Eclipse installation. unfortunatelly my eclipse installation is about 260MB big, but I assume that a PDE build does NOT require all of those plugins in a standard...

PDE headless build using features fails with optional plug-ins

Hi there, We are build a huge set of plugins using ANT pde build script for features (not product). We are using the Eclipse 3.5 version and have one plugin that uses optional dependency. The feature including this plugin does not include the optional dependency but the optional plugin is present in the plugin folder during build. the ...

Setting java.awt.headless=true programmatically

I'm trying to set java.awt.headless=true during the application startup but it appears like I'm to late and the non-headless mode is already started: static { System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); /* java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns false */ } Is there another way set headless=true beside -D...