




I have written an application that I have wrapped into an eclipse plugin (PDE). When I run the plugin from eclipse it either goes well or it fails.

If it fails I don't get any feedback on where it went wrong. I am using a logger (logBack) but the messages don't get printed in the console.

I guess its because it works as a plugin which don't have access to the console in eclipse while running. As an alternative I have used JOption.showMessageDialog(...) which works fine but I would like to avoid cluttering my code with these swing boxes and stick with the logger.

Any suggestions on how to get the logger info printed while running the plugin?

+1  A: 

you could use the eclipse logging facility: http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_use_the_platform_logging_facility%3F

you'll find all the error messages in the eclipse log view.

