
Is it possible to make an eclipse p2 provisioning mechanism running *locally* ?

Eclipse 3.4[.x] - also known as Ganymede - comes with this new mechanism of provisioning called p2. "Provisioning" is the process allowing to discover and update on demand some parts of an application, as explained in general in this article on the Sun Web site. Eclipse has an extended wiki section in which p2 details are presented. ...

Do you know update site addresses for *latest* eclipse components ?

I am looking for all addresses related to: 3.x eclipse itself (milestones and/or integration builds) 3.x other components (GEF, GMF, EMF, ...) In the spirit of answering my own question, I do have an answer for: 3.5 eclipse itself, with some details and caveats, 3.6 Helios, with the steps involved to follow the updates. However, ...

Eclipse 3.5 update site returns stale results for / but not for site.xml

I'm getting mixed results with an update site I'm setting up: Using http://mylyn-mantis.sourceforge.net/eclipse/update/site.xml gets the latest (3.0.2) version Using http://mylyn-mantis.sourceforge.net/eclipse/update/ gets me an old ( 3.0.1 ) version I got some hints about p2 metadata missing - does anyone know what's missing? Upd...

Replacing an exsiting feature id in Eclipse

Hi, I have a feature and I want to change its' ID. However, this makes it impossible to update existing installation and here's why: Assume the feature F1 at version 1.0 consist of plugin A at version 1.0. Now, I want to have a feature F2 at version 1.1 which uses plugin A at version 1.1. Upon installing F2 I get an error - that I al...

How to find list of installed Eclipse features from external program?

I am preparing windows installer for my Eclipse plugin. I want install it into target eclipse product using P2 director. I am targetting only Eclipse 3.5 for now. Installer should check that prerequisite features/plugins are already installed. I am not sure how to do this check. (Other reason for this check is to choose what other featu...

Tool for downloading eclipse plugins from update sites

I need to install an eclipse plugin to a machine not connected to the Internet and I cannot find a dist to use for a local install. Is there a tool for downloading a plugin from an update site and create a local installation archive (or a local update site)? Rumors says you can do this with eclipse, but I cant find any info on how to do...

In WordPress, restrict number of posts a user can post in a day

I run a website where registered users are Authors and can post to the front page. This is a community, but after we left beta and started welcoming users, some wierd people start posting random posts to the front page. We use WordPress and a modified version of P2 (but just the visuals) and I am wondering if there's any way to limit th...

Eclipse doesn't load plugins in the dropins folder

I just downloaded Eclipse SDK 3.5.1 and want to install some add ons such as GEF, EMF, etc. I downloaded all the zip files for everything I needed and decided to install them in the dropins folder. I read http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox_p2_Getting_Started and structured my dropin folder as specified: eclipse/ dropins/ emf/...

Equinox p2 for an arbitrary OSGi application?

Hello. I am designing a software system which I think I am going to implement on an OSGi platform. It is going to be a software system running on self-service terminals. OSGi idea suits well for my demands of managing devices and end-user related functionality. I think I am going to use Equinox as the OSGi implementation. So I came up w...

Programatically installing an Eclipse plugin from within Eclipse?

I want to create an automated installer for an Eclipse plugin (i.e. not through the "Update Manager"). My scenario is simple: the user closes Eclipse, drops a downloaded JAR into the dropins folder, starts Eclipse and the rest of the process is automated. In older Eclipse versions, before the era of P2, Eclipse had (still has) a class c...

Using PDE build, p2 and AdvancedInstaller together

I am building an Eclipse RCP application with the command-line version of PDE build in Eclipse 3.5.1. Then I use AdvancedInstaller to create the installer for the RCP product. I think the context would be similar with InstallShield and similar packagers instead of AdvancedInstaller. If I incorporate p2 provisioning into my build, would ...

P2 headless update not working

I have taken the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.examples.rcp.prestartupdate project and adapted it for use in my RCP application. I then setup an update repository that gets updated as part of my nightly build. When I open my application it goes through the motions like it is updating - it finds the update site, generates an uninstall and inst...

Can Eclipse 3.5 discover all bundles in the plugins dir?

Simple usecase: assemble an Eclipse product using simple scripts, just dumping bundles into the plugins dir. This used to work with 3.3 - with 3.5 it's broken: my application doesn't start as the app plugin is not found. Question: what's the easiest way to fix that? This seems to be the only pain in the whole upgrade process for me. ...

Wordpress P2 and wp-facebookconnect

Hello I am running the wordpress p2 theme with the wp-facebook connect plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-facebookconnect/ The plugin works fine except the avitars do not show for posts and status updates (works for replies though) Is any one familiar with this theme and problem? Thanks ...

Best way to build update site for RCP app

I have an RCP app, consisting of: A main plugin A "framework" plugin A product definition file The product definition file lives in the main plug-in (is this a bad idea?). The product definition is based on "plug-ins", and has a dependency upon all the plug-ins in the workspace. Now, I want the user of the RCP app to be able to upda...

Running P2 Ant tasks outside Eclipse

Hi everyone ! I got ant script running fine inside Eclipse Here is a piece of it : <p2.composite.repository failOnExists="true"> <repository location="file:/${basedir}/compRepo" name="Repository description goes here" /> <add> <repository location="http://url/Eclipse/repo/Galileo-3.5.1/" /> ...

Hacking the P2 theme to remove scrollbars in google chrome

I have mades some hacks to a P2 theme that work ok. Only problem is in Google chrome, I see verticle scroll bars against each page and post content area. Each page/post only shows a small amount of scroll area, regardless of how much content there is. This is pointless. I guess there's a theme function somewhere that is doing this. Anyon...

How to handle packages provided Java using Eclipse P2

I got some OSGi bundles in binary form that declare dependencies to bundles like "org.ietf.jgss" which are provided by Java itself. P2 detects these dependencies and when I try to install the product later using the P2 director application the installation fails since no bundle provides these packages. But if I use the P2 product build I...

Run plugin updates outwith Eclipse UI

I'm trying to update the plugins for an Eclipse Galileo SR2 installation from the command line. Something similar to this command (which asks for a specific feature): java -jar org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command update Does anyone know if a command exists using p2 or any ...

P2 Touchpoint chmod not working?

I'm using Eclipse 3.5.2 and I've created a p2.inf with the following information: instructions.install = \ chmod(targetDir:@artifact,targetFile:$os$/libfoo.so,permissions:755); instructions.install.import= \ org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.natives.chmod I placed the p2.inf inside the META-INF folder of the fragment, but when I inst...