
How can I show scrollbars on a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox only when the text doesn't fit?

For a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox with Multiline=True, I'd like to only show the scrollbars when the text doesn't fit. This is a readonly textbox used only for display. It's a TextBox so that users can copy the text out. Is there anything built-in to support auto show of scrollbars? If not, should I be using a different control? Or do...

Scrollable regions in ActionScript 3 Visualization

What is the best way to create several scrollable regions in an ActionScript 3 visualization that extends flash.display.Sprite and makes use of hierarchy of of low level DisplayObjects (Sprite'a, Shape's, TextField)? I have tried to use three mx.containers.Canvas objects added as children of the main Sprite and have also tried converti...

How to add scrollbars to my HTML that disappear if the content is smaller than the limit

Hello I'm trying to create a form that has an expandable widget. The problem is that when the widget is open, The form extends outside the limit in the content box, and it looks bad. I tried using overflow:scroll but it creates 2 ugly scrollbars that do not disappear even if the conent is smaller then the content box. I only need one v...

Use a separate scroll bar for a textbox

I am developing a touch screen application that has to display a possibly large amount of text. The problem I am having is that the default scroll bar attached to text boxes is just too small to be practically used in a touch screen application. I have tried adding a separate scroll bar control and using it to control the scrolling of th...

WPF - Identifying a scroll event from a horizontal scrollbar?

If you have a ListView with both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. How do you tell which one a scroll event is coming from? ScrollBar.Scroll="xxx" doesn't seem to differentiate. ...

Adobe Flex/AIR: Scrolling a sub-component, not the whole window

I'm developing an application with Adobe Flex and AIR, and I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to solve a scrolling issue. The basic structure of my main application window (simplified greatly) is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="

Adobe Flex control missing vertical scroll bar

I have a canvas containing a datagrid. I set horz and vert scroll to 'off' for the canvas, and set both to 'auto' for the DG. This works until I have a larger number of columns in the DG (>=16), then the vert scroll bar doesn't appear. Anyone seen this and, better yet, have an answer? TIA, Perflexed ...

How can I detect mouse button held down over a winforms control?

I want to implement a custom scrollbar but want it to work like the standard one. So I need to detect that the mouse button is held down over either the up or down arrow at the ends of the bar so that the user can scroll using the bar ends. How can I detect that the button is being held? MouseDown only fires once when the button is f...

Flash - Scroll area with dynamically loaded movie clips

I'm building a Flash project that creates a menu system with dynamically loaded movie clips for the menu items themselves. I want a scroll bar to appear once the menu has enough items that it's larger than the menu area. I was thinking that I could just put a mask over the menu area and have the movie clip where the controls where load...

.NET WinForms grid with multiple scrollbars?

Is there a .NET WinForms grid that supports multiple scrollbars, by dividing the grid up into N parts, horizontal-wise, and having a scrollbar for each part? Example: |---- Part 1 ---|---- Part 2 ---|---- Part 3 ---| | Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 1 | Col 2 | |<****=========>|<****=========>|<****=========>| Each of those part...

Adding Scrollbar to JList

I'm trying to add a scrollbar to a JList (which uses a custom data model). Adding a JScrollPane actually hides the JList, instead of adding a scrollbar. When I run the code with the scrollbar, the JList is not visible, and I cannot see the data. playlistField = new JList(playlist); // playlist is a data model playlistField.setLocation(3...

Trigger flash events using the default browser scrollbar

I'm not sure if this is possible but I want to achieve the following. Using the default browser scrollbars, I would like to either control a timeline in flash or send _global variables into flash. I also need to detect if the scrollbar is going up or down. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks ...

DataGridView scrollbars dissapear when dgv is hidden (GUI / Refresh problem)

Hi all, I have a forms application, showing results of several DataTables into several DataGridViews, each appearing in a different tab of an application. I've noticed weird behavior when I reload the data (a single button invokes filling all DGVs from the matching DTs): DGVs with a lot of rows (which require vertical scrolling) which ...

How to add scrollbars to your custom control in WPF?

After asking this question I realized that perhaps I should have asked a more generic question. So, here goes: In WPF, I'm creating a custom Panel-derived control. To that control I would like to add horizontal and vertical scrollbars and control them myself (get & set min/max/value/pagesize). How can I do this? This is my first encoun...

Can iFrame Scrollbars be skinned in webkit?

It's pretty well known by now that you can style scrollbars using the webkit specific CSS tags (::-webkit-scrollbar-button:start:decrement, ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:end:increment, etc. ). However, I've noticed that I cannot style the scrollbars attached to iFrames. Question: Is there a way to access and style the scrollbars on the iFr...

Form1 Autoscroll = Verticle Scroll

Hi there, I have autoscroll enabled BUT I can't have horizontal scrollbars appear. Can anyone please help me to only activate verticle scrollbars on the form with Autoscroll? Thank you :) Any help/suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks jase ...

Windows Forms - MdiClient scroll bars not automatically appearing as expected

I'm writing a windows forms application in C# whereby some windows utilities can be launched (e.g. CMD prompt, Registry editor, Events Viewer etc) and placed in an MdiClient control on the main form. Everything is working great except that the scroll bars in the MdiClient control aren't automatically appearing when a child window falls ...

Java - Is it possible to put a JLayeredPane inside JScrollPane ?

Hi all, when I try putting my JLayeredPane inside a JScrollPane I get a blank window (with white background) instead of the content I am trying to render (it could be an image, a button, a canvas). Does anyone know of a problem with layout managers that might cause it? Is it possible? EDIT: thanks to camickr help, I can now put a JLaye...

How to detect when the scrollbars appear? C#

Is there a way or an event to solve this? well specifically its for a flow layout panel ...

No horizontal scroll bar on float right

<html> <head> <style type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> * {margin:0;padding:0;} div#box {background-color:green;width:1000px;} /* #box {position:absolute;top:0;right:0;} */ /* #box {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;} */ /* #box {float:right;} */ #box {float:left;} .clearer {clear:both;} </style> </head> <body>...