
Cause of an unexpected behaviour using JUnit 4's expected exception mechanism?

I am trying to test that a particular method throws an expected exception from a method. As per JUnit4 documentation and this answer I wrote the test as: @Test(expected=CannotUndoException.class) public void testUndoThrowsCannotUndoException() { // code to initialise 'command' command.undo(); } However, this code fails t...

How to get Junit 4 to ignore a Base Test Class?

I have a base class for many tests that has some helper methods they all need. It does not by itself have any tests on it, but JUnit (in eclipse) is invoking the test runner on it and complaining that there are no methods to test. How can I make it ignore this class? I know I could add a dummyTest method that would solve the problem, ...

Running "pure" JUnit 4 tests using ant

We have migrated to both JUnit 4 and ant 1.7 The tests runs fine in eclipse, but the annotations are ignored when running the tests using ant. According to ant's junit task http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/junit.html%5D">documentation. It also works with JUnit 4.0, including "pure" JUnit 4 tests using only annotations and...

Change test name of parameterized tests?

Is there a way to set my own custom test case name when using Parameterized tests in Junit4? I'd like to change the default "[Test class].runTest[n]" to something meaningful... ...

JUnit assertion extensions

I'm often creating custom assertion methods for my JUnit tests. eg: public void assertArrays(String[] actual, String[] expected) I was wondering if there were any decent third party libraries that can provide a wider range of assertions than what comes by default in JUnit. Am using JUnit 4. ...

Junit4 + Spring 2.5 : Asserts throw "NoClassDefFoundError"

I've been coding tests in Junit4 with Spring, and I got this funny behavior: If my tests are passing like this, everything is fine: @Test public void truthTest(){ assertTrue(true); //Ok } But, if my test fails: @Test public void truthTest(){ assertTrue(false); //ERROR } Then instead of a test failure I receive an ugly and cr...

Finishing details on a JUnit 4 dynamic suite

Hi – I wanted to automatically sweep JUnit tests into suites as part of my continuous builds, so I derived a runner from JUnit's Suite which finds all test classes in a package. The runner works just fine, but the results display is less than expected. I have one class in my testing support package with a @RunWith annotation for my runn...

Debugger won't work with JMockit

Hopefully an easy question here for someone..... I'm using RAD 7.5.2, and am writing Junit tests. I was writing them just fine with JUnit 3, and then I wanted to mock up some function calls. So I loaded up jmockit 0.9.7 and Junit 4.6. I also include -javaagent:jmockit.jar as a VM argument. When I "Run As Junit Test", it goes along w...

How to set an expected exception using Scala and JUnit 4

I want to set an expected exception for a JUnit 4 test using Scala. I am current doing something similar to the following: @Test(expected=classOf[NullPointerException]) def someTest() = { // Some test code } But I get the following compiler error: error: wrong number of arguments for constructor Test: ()org.junit.Test ...

Junit SuiteClasses with a static list of classes

SuiteClasses will work just fine with a list of classes like {Test1.class,Test2.class}, but when I try to generate a static list of classes, it says incompatible types: required java.lang.Class<?> but found java.lang.Class<?> [] What am I missing? @RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses(TestSuite.classes) public class TestSuite { ...

How do I Unit Test for relative performance?

Given that I don't know at deployment time what kinds of system my code will be running on, how do I write a Performance benchmark that uses the potential of a system as its yardstick. What I mean is that if a system is capable of running the piece of code 1000 times per second, I'd like the test to ensure that is comes under as close t...

JUnit expected tag not working as expected.

I have the following test case in eclipse, using JUnit 4 which is refusing to pass. What could be wrong? @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testIAE() { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } This exact testcase came about when trying to test my own code with the expected tag didn't work. I wanted to see ...

Junit inline comparator initialization error

Hi, I've created a SortedList Class, which has a Constructor that takes a java.util.Comparator as an argument. After running Unit tests on my machine (through eclipse 3.3.0), everything was OK. However, Hudson complaints because it says it can't instantiate my comparator. Here its my simple test (snippets) public class SortedListTest...

How can we write our customized testcase in JUnit4?

Suppose I have an arrayOf Object having some values returned from the database. I want to check whether any one of the array object does not contain any value, how can it be done using Junit 4. Can I write any customized test case in Junit4? ...

Running multiple test data on same set of test cases.

Hello, I am new to eclipse. I am using JUnit 4. and i have written a set up method in my class which extends Testcase where some initialization happens. I have some set of testcases in the same class. I have test data in zipped form and attached to work space. Currently i am able to run all test cases for a single test data. Somehow i w...

Is it possible to synchronize JUnit test cases with the classes under tests within Eclipe?

I know it is possible to create a TestCase or TestSuite with the wizard within JUnit, but how does one sync the code after the class under the test has been modified, such as method signature modification or newly added methods. I would like my TestCases to be able to sync up (remove or add) those changed methods/parameters/method signat...

@parameters in Junit 4

Can I have more than one method with @Parameters in junit test class which is running with Parameterized class ? @RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) public class JunitTest6 { private String str; public JunitTest6(String region, String coverageKind, String majorClass, Integer vehicleAge, BigDecimal factor) { this.str = reg...

How to execute JUnit and TestNG tests in same project using maven-surefire-plugin ?

Right now I have both type of tests but when I say "mvn test" it only executes TestNG tests and not Junit. I want to execute both one after another. Any Idea ? ...

Junit4 and TestNG in one project with Maven

To run them together there are few options available but I have chosen using different profiles for Junit and TestNG. But now problem is with excluding and including test cases. Since if we add testNG dependency to main project in maven it will skip all Junit,I have decided to put it in separate profile. So I am excluding TestNG tests ...

Exclude individual JUnit Test methods without modifying the Test class?

Hi all, I'm currently re-using JUnit 4 tests from another project against my code. I obtain them directly from the other project's repository as part of my automated Ant build. This is great, as it ensures I keep my code green against the very latest version of the tests. However, there is a subset of tests that I never expect to pass ...