Flash has MXML and Microsoft has XAML.
What markup languages does Java have?
Flash has MXML and Microsoft has XAML.
What markup languages does Java have?
The Java Speech Markup Language (JSML) allows applications to annotate text with additional information that can improve the quality and naturalness of synthesized speech. JSML documents can include structural information about paragraphs and sentences. JSML allows control of the production of synthesized speech, including the pronunciation of words and phrases, the emphasis of words (stressing or accenting), the placements of boundaries and pauses, and the control of pitch and speaking rate. Finally, JSML allows markers to be embedded in text and allows synthesizer-specific controls.
A quick search on Google lead me to JSML (Java Speech Markup Language) as well as JavaML.
Any markup language can be interpreted by any language or platform capable or parsing text. This depends on the application, and this in fact the benefit of the markup language in the first place - neutrality of the implementor. I think your question is not entirely correct. There are trillions of projects and products using markup in java.
XAML and MXML are UI markups for WPF and Flex. The equivalent Java tool is JavaFX. With that Sun took a different approach and choose to implement a declarative scripting language - JavaFX Script - rather than use an extension to XML.