I am trying to add a custom css file to my site definition but I am having some issues. I have read that I should place them in 12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\TEMPLATENAME\Layouts\1033\STYLE.CSS But I can't access the file at /_layouts/1033/Styles/STYLE.CSS
Do I need to use a feature to add the STYLE.CSS file? I am for my Site Definition using feature stapling with this element file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<Module Name="CustomMasterPages" Url="_catalogs/masterpage" Path="MasterPages" RootWebOnly="FALSE">
<File Url="Custom.master"
Name="Custom.master" Type="GhostableInLibrary" >
<Property Name="ContentType"
Value="$Resources:cmscore,contenttype_masterpage_name;" />
As you can see, I have added the Url: _catalogs/masterpage in the element file, do I need to do something similar for the style file? Thank You