Something like this should do it:
$db = new SQLiteDatabase('dbfilename'))
$q = @$db->query('SHOW KEYS FROM cia WHERE Key_name = "PRIMARY"');
$result = $q->fetch();
var_dump(sqlite_fetch_array($result, SQLITE_BOTH))
Update: if SHOW KEYS is not supported, then you can get the infomration via SELECT statments and a bit of work. Here is a PHP function defined to provide all the table index info you could ever want:
* return the list of field in $table
* @param string $table name of the sql table to work on
* @param bool $extended_info if true will return the result of a show field query in a query_to_array fashion
* (indexed by fieldname instead of int if false)
* @return array
function list_table_fields($table,$extended_info=FALSE){
# Try the simple method
if( (! $extended_info) && $res = $this->query_to_array("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 0,1")){
return array_keys($res[0]);
}else{ # There 's no row in this table so we try an alternate method or we want extended infos
if(! $fields = $this->query_to_array("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name ='$table'") )
return FALSE;
# get fields from the create query
$flds_str = $fields[0]['sql'];
$flds_str = substr($flds_str,strpos($flds_str,'('));
$type = "((?:[a-z]+)\s*(?:\(\s*\d+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)?\))?)?\s*";
$default = '(?:DEFAULT\s+((["\']).*?(?<!\\\\)\\4|[^\s,]+))?\s*';
if( preg_match_all('/(\w+)\s+'.$type.$default.'[^,]*(,|\))/i',$flds_str,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER) ){
$null = 'NOT\s*NULL';
$default = 'DEFAULT\s+((["\'])(.*?)(?<!\\\\)\\2|\S+)';
foreach($m as $v){
list($field,$name,$type,$default) = $v;
# print_r($field);
$res[] = $name;
$res[$name] = array('Field'=>$name,'Type'=>$type,'Null'=>'YES','Key'=>'','Default'=>$default,'Extra'=>'');
if( preg_match("!($key)!i",$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Key'] = $n[1];
if( preg_match("!($Extra)!i",$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Extra'] = $n[1];
if( preg_match('!(NO)T\s+NULL!i',$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Null'] = $n[1];
return $res;
return FALSE;