




hi there,

is it possible to configure the httpd.conf which listens the port 843 and serves crossdomain policy tags or file when there is a socket connection? (not for http request, needed it for socket connection from flash)

thank you


No, it's not.

httpd.conf configures Apache which is a webserver, so expects to receive HTTP requests over the socket. Adobe in their infinite wisdom decided that the Flash security policy file should be served over a home-brew protocol where the first string from the client is "\0".

Since Apache won't recognise that, it can't serve the requested file.

I could have a long rant here about the bogus-ness of this - it would have been (IMO) just as easy for Flash to have sent a "GET /policyfile" request which would have allowed Apache to serve the file, but there we go.

Your only option is to run a different server specifically to serve the policy file - Adobe provide some sample code in Python and other languages that does the job.

Malcolm Box