If I’m writing an applet that shows a video sequence (eg. streaming from a camera, or the applet itself is running the on the camera), do my clients need to download the Java Media Framework libraries inorder to see the sequence?
They need to install Java Media Framework on their computers, or you'll need to bundle the JMF together with your applet somehow.
2008-10-16 14:04:43
If the applet makes use of the JMF libraries they need to be downloaded to the client machine (where the applet executes). However, JMF gets very little development from Sun (read none) and is pretty much legacy now (subjective).
Depending on how modern the camera is and what codecs it can output it may also be worth considering the video support in either javafx of flash.
2008-10-16 18:19:20
Did you consider to use Java FX? This technology is dealing with this problem of downloading media libraries and so no. Of course. It is still in development. If to be first-adopter is option, it will be worth of considering this.
Rastislav Komara
2008-10-16 20:30:30