




I am new to Hudson and was wondering if there is a way to check in Hudson's configuration files to source control.

Ideally I want to be able to click some button in the UI that says 'save configuration' and have the Hudson configuration files checked in to source control.


Not sure if you have checked this: http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Administering+Hudson

Amit Kumar
Thanks Amit!This will be very helpful in the case that I wanted to do a backup of Hudson.I am really more interested in keeping track of the CI configuration - so i want to be able to look at source control and say : user X changes to way project Y compiles and then it stopped compiling.Maybe if there was a way for Hudson to pull its own configuration files from source control that will also do the trick.
Why can't you put these config files into the version control?
Amit Kumar
+2  A: 

Have a look at my answer to a similar question.

The basic idea is to use the filesystem-scm-plugin to detect changes to the xml-files. Your second part would be committing the changes to SVN.

EDIT: If you find a way to determine the user for a change, let us know.

Peter Schuetze
+1  A: 

There are a few relevant open issues for this:

Michael Donohue
+1  A: 

Check out a recent post on the Hudson blog:

Keeping your configuration and data in Subversion

The post is specific to Subversion as the SCM.


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