I've got an application leaking out java heap at a decent rate (400 users leaves 25% free after 2hours...after logoff all memory is restored) and we've identified the items causing the memory leak as Strings placed in session that appear to be generated by Portal itself. The values are the encoded Portal URIs (very long endcoded strings ... usually sized around 19kb), and the keys seem to be seven (7) randomly generated characters prefixed by RES#
(for example, RES#NhhEY37
We've stepped through the application using session tracing and snapping off heapdumps which has resulted in determining that there is one of these objects created and added to session on almost every page ... in fact, it seems like it is on each page that submits data (which is most pages). So, it's either 1:1 with pages in general, or 1:1 with forms.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem as this? We are opening a ticket with IBM, but wanted to ask this community as well. Thanks in advance!