How can I trim characters in Java?
String j = “\joe\jill\”.Trim(new char[] {“\”});
j should be
String j = “jack\joe\jill\”.Trim("jack");
j should be
How can I trim characters in Java?
String j = “\joe\jill\”.Trim(new char[] {“\”});
j should be
String j = “jack\joe\jill\”.Trim("jack");
j should be
EDIT: Amended by answer to replace just the first and last '\' character.
System.err.println("\\joe\\jill\\".replaceAll("^\\\\|\\\\$", ""));
I don't think there is any built in function to trim based on a passed in string. Here is a small example of how to do this. This is not likely the most efficient solution, but it is probably fast enough for most situations, evaluate and adapt to your needs. I recommend testing performance and optimizing as needed for any code snippet that will be used regularly. Below, I've included some timing information as an example.
public String trim( String stringToTrim, String stringToRemove )
String answer = stringToTrim;
while( answer.startsWith( stringToRemove ) )
answer = answer.substring( stringToRemove.length() );
while( answer.endsWith( stringToRemove ) )
answer = answer.substring( 0, answer.length() - stringToRemove.length() );
return answer;
This answer assumes that the characters to be trimmed are a string. For example, passing in "abc" will trim out "abc" but not "bbc" or "cba", etc.
Some performance times for running each of the following 10 million times.
" mile ".trim();
runs in 248 ms included as a reference implementation for performance comparisons.
trim( "smiles", "s" );
runs in 547 ms - approximately 2 times as long as java's String.trim()
runs in 12,306 ms - approximately 48 times as long as java's String.trim()
And using a compiled regex pattern Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("s$|^s");
runs in 7,804 ms - approximately 31 times as long as java's String.trim()
it appears that there is no ready to use java api that makes that but you can write a method to do that for you. this link might be usefull
This does what you want:
public static void main (String[] args) {
String a = "\\joe\\jill\\";
String b = a.replaceAll("\\\\$", "").replaceAll("^\\\\", "");
The $
is used to remove the sequence in the end of string. The ^
is used to remove in the beggining.
As an alternative, you can use the syntax:
String b = a.replaceAll("\\\\$|^\\\\", "");
The |
means "or".
In case you want to trim other chars, just adapt the regex:
String b = a.replaceAll("y$|^x", ""); // will remove all the y from the end and x from the beggining
You could use removeStart
and removeEnd
from Apache Commons Lang StringUtils
Hand made for the first option:
public class Rep {
public static void main( String [] args ) {
System.out.println( trimChar( '\\' , "\\\\\\joe\\jill\\\\\\\\" ) ) ;
System.out.println( trimChar( '\\' , "joe\\jill" ) ) ;
private static String trimChar( char toTrim, String inString ) {
int from = 0;
int to = inString.length();
for( int i = 0 ; i < inString.length() ; i++ ) {
if( inString.charAt( i ) != toTrim) {
from = i;
for( int i = inString.length()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ){
if( inString.charAt( i ) != toTrim ){
to = i;
return inString.substring( from , to );
I would actually write my own little function that does the trick by using plain old char access:
public static String trimBackslash( String str )
int len, left, right;
return str == null || ( len = str.length() ) == 0
|| ( ( left = str.charAt( 0 ) == '\\' ? 1 : 0 ) |
( right = len > left && str.charAt( len - 1 ) == '\\' ? 1 : 0 ) ) == 0
? str : str.substring( left, len - right );
This behaves similar to what String.trim() does, only that it works with '\' instead of space.
Here is one alternative that works and actually uses trim(). ;) Althogh it's not very efficient it will probably beat all regexp based approaches performance wise.
String j = “\joe\jill\”;
j = j.replace( '\\', '\f' ).trim().replace( '\f', '\\' );
Apache Commons has a great StringUtils class. In StringUtils
there is a strip(String, String)
method that will do what you want.
I highly recommend using Apache Commons anyway, especially the Collections and Lang libraries.
For now, I'd second Colins' Apache commons-lang answer, but once Google's guava-libraries is released, the CharMatcher class will do what you want quite nicely:
String j ='\\').trimFrom("\\joe\\jill\\");
// j is now joe\jill
CharMatcher has a very simple + powerful set of APIs as well as some predefined constants which make manipulation very easy:':').countIn("a:b:c"); // returns 2
CharMatcher.isNot(':').countIn("a:b:c"); // returns 3
CharMatcher.inRange('a', 'b').countIn("a:b:c"); // returns 2
CharMatcher.DIGIT.retainFrom("a12b34"); // returns "1234"
CharMatcher.ASCII.negate().removeFrom("a®¶b"); // returns "ab";
etc. Very nice stuff.
Here's how I would do it. Note that the corner case of passing an empty string to trim is handled (other answers would go into an infinite loop). And it optimizes the single character case since there is a useful alternate logic which is more efficient than creating multiple substrings for each character removed:
Note that this will be inefficient in the case where there a many repetitions of the trim string at either or both of the beginning and end when the trim string is not a single character - this is likely to be a very rare use case; if it is a common case for you, you might want to consider an alternative implementation.
public String stripString(String src, String trm) {
String ret;
if(trm.length()==0) { // catch corner case; all strings start and end with ""
else if(trm.length()==1) { // optimize for common use - trimming a single character
int str=0,end=(src.length()-1);
char chr=trm.charAt(0);
while(str<=end && src.charAt(str)==chr) { str++; }
while(str<=end && src.charAt(end)==chr) { end--; }
if(str<=end) { ret=src.substring(str,(end+1)); }
else { ret=""; }
else { // handle repeated removal of a specific character sequence
int trmlen=trm.length();
while(ret.startsWith(trm)) { ret=ret.substring(trmlen); }
while(ret.endsWith (trm)) { ret=ret.substring(0,ret.length()-trmlen); }
return ret;
I got to thinking more about how to do this both flexibly and efficiently, and here's what I came up with on a subsequent pass on the problem. It's about as efficient as it reasonably can be now, I think. (Admittedly, I may be working this too hard now):
/** Trim all occurrences of the string <code>rmvval</code> from the left and right of <code>src</code>. Note that <code>rmvval</code> constitutes an entire string which must match using <code>String.startsWith</code> and <code>String.endsWith</code>. */
static public String trim(String src, String rmvval) {
return trim(src,rmvval,rmvval,true);
/** Trim all occurrences of the string <code>lftval</code> from the left and <code>rgtval</code> from the right of <code>src</code>. Note that the values to remove constitute strings which must match using <code>String.startsWith</code> and <code>String.endsWith</code>. */
static public String trim(String src, String lftval, String rgtval, boolean igncas) {
int str=0,end=src.length();
if(lftval.length()==1) { // optimize for common use - trimming a single character from left
char chr=lftval.charAt(0);
while(str<end && src.charAt(str)==chr) { str++; }
else if(lftval.length()>1) { // handle repeated removal of a specific character sequence from left
int vallen=lftval.length(),newstr;
while((newstr=(str+vallen))<=end && src.regionMatches(igncas,str,lftval,0,vallen)) { str=newstr; }
if(rgtval.length()==1) { // optimize for common use - trimming a single character from right
char chr=rgtval.charAt(0);
while(str<end && src.charAt(end-1)==chr) { end--; }
else if(rgtval.length()>1) { // handle repeated removal of a specific character sequence from right
int vallen=rgtval.length(),newend;
while(str<=(newend=(end-vallen)) && src.regionMatches(igncas,newend,rgtval,0,vallen)) { end=newend; }
if(str!=0 || end!=src.length()) {
if(str<=end) { src=src.substring(str,end); } // str is inclusive, end is exclusive
else { src=""; }
return src;