I have the following code doing Sin/Cos function using a pre-calculated memory table. in the following example the table has 1024*128 items covering all the Sin/Cos values from 0 to 2pi. I know I can use Sin/Cos symmetry and hold only 1/4 of the values but them I will have more 'ifs' when computing the value.
private const double PI2 = Math.PI * 2.0;
private const int TABLE_SIZE = 1024 * 128;
private const double TABLE_SIZE_D = (double)TABLE_SIZE;
private const double FACTOR = TABLE_SIZE_D / PI2;
private static double[] _CosineDoubleTable;
private static double[] _SineDoubleTable;
Set the translation table
private static void InitializeTrigonometricTables(){
_CosineDoubleTable = new double[TABLE_SIZE];
_SineDoubleTable = new double[TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++){
double Angle = ((double)i / TABLE_SIZE_D) * PI2;
_SineDoubleTable[i] = Math.Sin(Angle);
_CosineDoubleTable[i] = Math.Cos(Angle);
The Value is a double in radians.
Value %= PI2; // In case that the angle is larger than 2pi
if (Value < 0) Value += PI2; // in case that the angle is negative
int index = (int)(Value * FACTOR); //from radians to index and casted in to an int
double sineValue = _SineDoubleTable[index]; // get the value from the table
I'm looking for a faster way to do this. The above 4 lines are ~25% of the whole process (executed billions of times).