Hi all,
I used next code to dynamically create a group of radio buttons:
self.wPaymantType.qgbSomeSelectionGroup = QtGuig.QGroupBox()
vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
for row in listOfChoices:
radio = QtGui.QRadioButton(row)
if bIsFirst:
bIsFirst = False
if len(row.name) > nMaxLen:
nMaxLen = len(row.name)
How can I iterate through all radio buttons to find out which one is checked?
I tried something like this, but I didn't get anything good from it:
qvbl = self.qgbSomeSelectionGroup.children()[0]
for i in range(0, qvbl.count()):
child = qvbl.itemAt(i)
radio = QtGui.QRadioButton(child.widget())
if radio != None:
if radio.isChecked():
print "radio button num " + str(i) + " is checked"
Any help will be appreciated!