+3  A: 

You can also just create your own PDE tooling projwect and extend PDE project templates.

There is a great article at IBM DelevoperWorks network that gives a great introduction to Building templates with the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

You can also read up on Eclipse documentation about following PDE extension points:

Roland Tepp

Have a look at Gradle, it supports the good stuff from Ivy (dependency management), Maven like Archetypes also.

Quick question though... how often do you have to create new projects ? Is it really that cumbersome that it would define which build system you would use ?

This being said, I do really like to have a standard project structure, saves a lot of time when trying to decide some stupid things that one should not even have to think about...

Hi,I know about gradle and I will have a deeper look at it - I didn't know that it supported that archetypes stuff as well. But you are right - I don't want this environment to determine my build system. I think if we would use maven / gradle for this than we would make it call our ant scripts because it is working quite well and has evolved nicely over the last projects...Thanks for you answer!

Whatever you do, for God's sake, don't even think about using the Maven VIRUS for this. Exception: If you hate yourself, and enjoy inflicting needless pain on yourself and others because you get some kind of sick pleasure out of it--then, you should use Maven. If you also prefer to bleed internally while you work, throw in Ivy.

Eclipse generation IS a good idea (and probably ideal for the end users), but realistically to prevent this turning into such a large project, just go with the simple solution: create a template and use some simple method of customizing it. Just use a find/replace or a simple Python script if really needed. It's hard enough coming up with a complete, solid, re-usable template as it is (a project in itself). Let an Eclipse plug-in or other more automated version come later after you have a better idea of how much work this is.

The find/replace or script method isn't "fragile" since your template is going to be small and written by a single author, not some massive production application with who knows what inside of it. More complex solutions are the ones which tend to really become fragile, not the simple ones.

I think this is a fantastic idea so don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I create templates like this too.
