




I know I should be using htmlentities for all my form text input fields but this doesn't work:

echo "<tr>
        <td align=\"right\">".Telephone." :</td>    
        <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"telephone\" size=\"27\"
            value=\"htmlentities($row[telephone])\"> Inc. dialing codes

It simply shows the input value as "htmlentities(0123456789)" in the form? What have I done wrong please?

+5  A: 

try using

value=\"" . htmlentities($row[telephone]) . "\"

there. Currently, your string simply contains the htmlentities string and splices the variable in. You need to get out the string, call the function and put it's result in place, as above.

+ is not the concat operator in PHP, it's .
should be: value=\"" . htmlentities($row[telephone]) . "\"
Joe Lencioni
changed... it's been a while since I've used actual PHP :)
That's it. Seems to be working great, thanks guys!
+3  A: 

You can't call a function in the middle of a string. You need to get the return value from the function call and then include that in the string.


    <td align="right">
        <label for="telephone">Telephone:</label>
        <input type="text" 
                   echo htmlentities($row[telephone]); 
        Inc. dialing codes 

... would be cleaner.

As would getting rid of the deprecated presentational markup and use of tables for layout.

David Dorward

First of all, don't echo your HTML in a string. Separate code from markup.

    <td align="right">Telephone :</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="telephone" size="27"
        value="<?php echo htmlentities($row['telephone']); ?>"> Inc. dialing codes</td>
<?= doesn't work on most PHP5 servers.
Darryl Hein
His HTML is inside a PHP string, so the tags won't work. Also, as an aside, using short tags ("<?= ?>") is a bad idea, since they have to be enabled in php.ini, which you may not have access to.
Lucas Oman
Right, I removed short tags. Should not be putting markup in a string though, made note of that.
Of course his HTML inside of PHP tags will work because he has an echo.
Darryl Hein
+1  A: 

@workmad3: that won't work as he's doing PHP.

<?php echo '<tr>
                <td align="right">' . Telephone . ' :</td>    
                <td><input type="text" name="telephone" size="27" value="' . htmlentities($row[telephone]) . '" /> Inc. dialing codes</td>    
Darryl Hein
+1  A: 

This will work:

echo "    <tr>
                    <td align=\"right\">Telephone :</td>    
                    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"telephone\" size=\"27\" value=\"".htmlentities($row[telephone])."\"> Inc. dialing codes</td>    

BTW, I also corrected some very strange syntax you have going on here, like where you concatenate the constant "Telephone", which really should be inside the string. These kinds of details are important and will break your code easily.

Also, I suggest using single quotes, instead of double, around a string like this so that you don't have to escape all of the double quotes inside the string.

Lucas Oman
+1  A: 

if you're just looking for making-your-output-safe-in-hml; You should use htmlspecialchars() instead, since its 'only' an telephone number.

htmlspecialchars($row[telephone], ENT_QUOTES);

htmlentities() is a bit slower and not as good with multibyte characters. But I'm guessing you're not getting to those problems just jet.

Martijn Gorree
I agree only htmlspecialchars is needed. of course i hope you are implementing utf-8 too.