I have a string variable with multiple lines: e.g.
"SClone VARPB63A\nSeq_vec SVEC 1 65 pCR2.1-topo\nSequencing_vector \"pCR2.1-topo\"\nSeq_vec SVEC 102 1710 pCR2.1-topo\nClipping QUAL 46 397\n
I would want to get both of lines that start with "Seq_vec SVEC" and extract the values of the integer part that matches...
string = "Clone VARPB63A\nSeq_vec SVEC 1 65 pCR2.1-topo\nSequencing_vector \"pCR2.1-topo\"\nSeq_vec SVEC 102 1710 pCR2.1-topo\nClipping QUAL 46 397\n"
seqvector = Regexp.new("Seq_vec\\s+SVEC\\s+(\\d+\\s+\\d+)",Regexp::MULTILINE )
vector = string.match(seqvector)
if vector
vector_start,vector_stop = vector[1].split(/ /)
puts vector_start.to_i
puts vector_stop.to_i
However this only grabs the first match's values and not the second as i would like. Any ideas what i could be doing wrong? Thank you