My professor gave us an assignment to test the difference in runtimes and search sizes using linear & binary algorithms, and the data is to be graphed.
I have the search methods put the runtime & array sizes as Points in an ArrayList, which is then sent to the GraphResults class for plotting. I need to convert those data points into xy coordinates before. The search size is the x-axis and the runtime is the y axis
As the search sizes are fixed as a multiple of 128 and there are only 8 sizes, I used switch for calculating the x value, but am looking for a more efficient way to convert the runtimes into coordinates.
Right now, I'm using nested conditionals with 5 like this:
if (y<=1000) {
if (y<= 500) {
if (y<= 250) {
newy= yaxis-32; }//equals to 250ms category
else {
newy= yaxis-(32*2); }//500ms category
else if (y<=750) {
newy= yaxis-(32*3);} //750ms category
else {
newy= yaxis-(32*4);} //1000ms category
} //end of the 1000ms tests
Right now, the numbers that are over 5000ms require 7 tests. Is there a more efficient way to assign a number based on a number size?