





I have a .dwp file which I got by exporting my webpart . Now I want to make feature using WSP builder. I knw I have to create element.xml,feature.xml and Webpart1.wepart but I was going through the method what I didn't get is where to put the .dwp file in 12 hive and also where I will give the location of this .dwp file ? In element.xml i m giving location of Webpart1.wepart then where I m giving location of this .dwp file....

And also where to put the dll file?

Any help would really be appreciated .



Not sure exactly what you are asking for, but this is my guess: you want to disect the .dwp file you got, package it in a solution package containing that feature.

If that's the case, then here are some pointers

  1. Schemas of the various files involved in the process
  2. Some instructions on how to leverage VS to create a wsp file
  3. Once done, you can use stsadm (or powershell) to deploy and install the solution:

SET STSADM="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\STSADM.EXE"

SET URL="http://your server"

SET SPACK="thePackage.wsp"

%STSADM% -o retractsolution -name %SPACK% -immediate -url %URL% %STSADM% -o execadmsvcjobs

%STSADM% -o deletesolution -name %SPACK% -override %STSADM% -o execadmsvcjobs

%STSADM% -o addsolution -filename %SPACK% %STSADM% -o execadmsvcjobs

%STSADM% -o deploysolution -name %SPACK% -immediate -allowgacdeployment -url %URL% %STSADM% -o execadmsvcjobs

I hope this gets closer to what you are asking for.


Open up the Web Part Gallery and upload your DWP file there (see info in this tutorial http://www.datasprings.com/Resources/ArticlesInformation/Sharepoint2007CustomWebParts.aspx)

However, as people are stating in other comments, it is generally considered "better" to deploy webparts as features: http://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/2007/05/deploying-web-parts-as-feature.html
