Hi, I am trying to help a friend moving a web-site from one web-hotel to another. The old place is already closed, I have only a flat tar file of what was in it.
I apologise if this is a basic question. I am new to this...
The web site contained html docs and one could download a little java application (to be loaded on mobile phone) to send data to the web site.
The mobile java application sent a string to URL=/php/register.php This php script included another php script, "../inc/db_login.php" which connected to a SQL DB using "$link=mysql_connect().". register.php did the SQL insert for putting the new sent data in the DB.
My question is basicaly, where I should put this 2 PHP files on the new website and what permissions the directories and files should have.
The old web server obviously had a /php and /inc directories. None of these exists on the new webserver... Should I create them? What permission should they have? I guess the reason for having the password in a separate php file was security... The /php and /inc directory probably had different permissions...
The new server has directories: /httpdos, /httpsdos, /cgi-bin, /conf (and some others probably irrelevant)
1) does the files-extension (.php) means something to the server: as PHP scripts are "included" in HTML code (between , does the server need to look at the file suffix or is it irrelevant? (I understand that the server reacts on the , of course)
2)should the "public" file (register.php in my case) be placed in the httpdocs directory or does the server (apache I think) reacts on something and fetches it in another directory?
3)Should the PHP script have permission R-X, --X or R-- ? From on OS perspective I guess apache is just reading this files, meaning that they should be R--, but this would mean that if PHP service is "stopped" the client would get all the PHP code in his browser(?). I would prefer it being --X but as this is neither a binary nor has a #!, I guess it must be --R...?
4)If the public PHP script can be placed in another dir (e.g /php instead of /httpdocs) what should /php (and the script) have for permission?. I Guess the server has to know about this /php directory (or are there usual defaults?)
5)The PHP script included (../inc/db_login.php, containing SQL password) should not be under /httpdocs I guess. This means that my register.php is including a file which is not under the /httpdocs subtree... Does this work? Does the server need to know?
I understand you may need to know the server configuration... Just assume the default in your answer (and you can tell where it is changed if it is).
I am new to this (PHP/SQL/ apache/ Web site) so be descriptive on this please. I know perl, python, C and linux rather well, less description needed there :-)
Many thanks.