I absolutely love StackOverflow's usage of OpenID for registration. How would I go about adding this to my site? It is PHP based. I went to openid.net and looked at the libraries there, but could find little in the way of documentation or examples.
This tutorial was helpful for a previous project I worked on using PHP and OpenID. It has an example app.
2010-01-19 21:56:15
Just what I needed!
George Edison
2010-01-19 22:08:51
That link you provided is great, thanks
2010-01-19 22:44:30
OpenID is great, but have one big disadvantage. Let's imagine that I'm having Google account and Yahoo account. I will login using Google and then I will try to login using Yahoo. And it will be different accounts; it's really difficult to remember what openID provider I was using for registration... So, be careful with OpenID on entertainment websites, but it is still ok for developers websites.
Check OpenId class from Zend Framework.
2010-01-19 22:01:08
Yeah you can, but how could you know that user associated to these account is the same people? If user has deleted all cookies - it is impossible. :(
2010-01-19 22:12:31
The only way is to do like stackoverflow do. Put "Add OpenID" button into user profile.
2010-01-24 10:18:31
For sites that use email addresses as usernames, do you forget if you logged in with your gmail account or your yahoo mail?
2010-01-25 11:21:52