I'm new at ruby on rails, and I wanted to accomplish the following:
I've got a list with check boxes(one per row) and I'd like to have a link button(not a common button or submit) so when I click it I call an action from a controller.
My questions are:
- How can I call a controller action with the link_to?
- How do I get the checkboxes values(which of them are checked) and fields' values so I can know to whom apply the action? I'm used to work with C#, and there the lists have an ItemDataBound method in where you can get easily every row lets say, but I can't figure anything similar here.
If it's not clear enough, I'm going to put an example:
Let's say I've got the following "screen":
Article ID | Article Name
chkbox 1111 t-shirt
chkbox 2222 pants
chkbox 3333 boots
Now, let's say I'd like to delete the pants and boots. So I'll check their check boxes and then I'll press Delete. Now, I'd like to have at my Articles controller, at the method delete_article(for example) and then get the id and name for those checked articles, and delete them.
Thanks, Brian