
When you say this page, are you referrning to Stackoverflow.com? SO works great in all the browsers I've tried it with.

If you are referring to your own site, you need to tell us specifically what is going wrong or at least give us a link so we can see the errors you are getting.

I can't see where that is a down vote... up again.
not all! Konqueror 3.5 can't show the comments (really a jQuery problem), and Konqueror 4.1 (which is WebKit-based, AFAIK) mangles the answer editor.
It's a down vote because it doesn't add anything to the discussion. No reason to vote up when it doesn't add anything.
George Stocker
edit: I don't think Stack Overflow should allow me, as someone who contributed to the discussion, to vote down other users' posts. That doesn't seem right, for some reason. Just wanted to throw that in there.
George Stocker
It pointed out ambiguity and it added "please be more specific". Could have been a comment as well, but it was certainly helpful regarding the state the question was in initially. May be no up, but it is no down either. Wrong stuff and nonsense is down.
That was me, and I do it for all of these I see. We get a lot fewer now than when SO first went public. The basic criteria: something that is neither useful nor an answer should head for the bottom. If it's not an answer, make it a comment, and get lots of ++.

I have no idea what language it's in, but it's displaying fine in Chrome - which is not a Firefox-like browser :)

+3  A: 

At the very least you are going to have to deal with the fact that the CSS :hover is not supported in IE for any tag except the anchor tag. You'll need to use onmouseover, onmouseout in IE to accomplish the same thing. Or change the li:hover to an a:hover but that would be a bigger overhaul of your design I think.

Specifically, CSS like this:

ul.menu li:hover ul.submenu {
background:white none repeat scroll 0 0;
border:1px solid #A6A6A6;
padding:2px 0;

Is not going to work properly in Internet Explorer. I don't know about Opera.

li:hover works in Opera
+2  A: 

I had this issue with a site I created. The problem ended up being that I shouldn't have ended the <li> tag before the next <ul> tag started in the menu.

For example:

<div id="menu">
  <ul><a href="/index.html">Home</a>

 <li><a href="/aboutus/index.html">About Us</a>
  <li><a href="/aboutus/history.html">History</a>

Note no closing </li> tag.

I ran into a lot of problems with IE and CSS Menus. I recommend the following resources, they may save you a lot of time:

Let me know how that goes.

For what it's worth, the first resource includes a csshover.htc file and its usage -- which the site I created uses to fix the issues caused with Internet Explorer. If you view the source for the site, you'll also see conditional comments that pertain to Internet Explorer.

George Stocker
+1  A: 

Without seeing the CSS for your site, I suspect that you are using css:hover with Lists to create the menu. IE doesn't support this, so you have to supply a behaviour file to allow IE to have the functionality, Link with a file here


If you're familiar with javascript, you might want to look into the JQuery Superfish plugin. (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/Superfish). Most of the hard work and weird browser issues are already taken care of for you.

Anne Porosoff