




I'm working on a Swing based project that will display large amounts of data using a Table component. I'm trying to decide what are the best alternatives in terms of efficiency and management of the parsed data. The master table can be manipulated (i.e. views of the complete data can be created, or removed),so the complete data needs to be hold in memory

I know these kind of problems can have many different solutions. I thought of creating a class representing one entry on the log, with properties representing each 'property' on it. I can possible use Comparator objects to sort based on these fields, and use these objects to build a table component. This might not be a good idea if the total number of entries is in the order of 5000-10000 lines

Any suggestion on good practices to manage this kind of data and perform manipulations to it to render a graphic component are received.

Not many details have been provided, so I'm basically looking for general ideas on how to approach the problem.
