iText (and iText_Sharp_) are quite capable of adding JS to an existing PDF... page actions, links, document level script, you name it.
The JavaDoc can be found here:
This was written with Java in mind, but the C# code would look almost identical (if not exactly the same, with the exception handling stripped out like this).
PdfReader myReader = new PdfReader( myFilePath ); // throws IOException
PdfStamper myStamper = new PdfStamper( myReader, new FileOutputStream(outPath) ); // throws IOE, DocumentException
// add a document script
myStamper.addJavaScript( myScriptString );
// add a page-open script, 1 is the first page, not zero0
PdfAction jsAction = PdfAction.javaScript( someScriptString );
myStamper.setPageAction( PdfWriter.PAGE_OPEN, jsAction, myStamper.getWriter(), pageNumber ); // throws PdfException (for bad first param)
PdfFormField button = PdfFormField.createButton(myWriter, PdfFormField.FF_PUSHBUTTON);
button.setWidget( myRectangle, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT );
// the important part, adding jsAction
jsAction = PdfAction.javaScript( buttonScriptString );
button.setAdditionalActions( PdfAnnotation.AA_DOWN, jsAction ); // mouse down
myStamper.addAnnotation( pageNum, button );
myStamper.close(); // write everything out, throws DocumentException, IOE