I'm using the Python client library for the Picasa Web Albums API to upload some JPEG images to an album. But the photos appear very compressed once uploaded. In Picasa 3.6 there is an option to upload images in their original quality without any compression, but is there are similar option I can use from within the API?
This is some of the code I use to create the photo and insert it into the album:
upload_photo = gdata.photos.PhotoEntry()
upload_photo.summary = atom.Summary(text=title)
upload_photo.title = atom.Title(text=file_name)
upload_photo.text = atom.Text(text='Test')
upload_photo.author = atom.Author(atom.Name(text='Test Author'))
upload_photo.timestamp = gdata.photos.Timestamp(text='%i' %
int(time.mktime(photo_date.timetuple()) * 1000))
upload_photo.geo = gdata.geo.Where()
upload_photo.geo.Point = gdata.geo.Point()
upload_photo.geo.Point.pos = gdata.geo.Pos(text='%f %f' % (lat, lon))
imgContent = StringIO.StringIO(urlfetch.fetch('http://url.com/image1.jpg').content)
gpclient.InsertPhoto(album_or_uri=album_url, photo=upload_photo,
filename_or_handle=imgContent, content_type='image/jpeg')