Just started a new coop workterm and using a solaris machine with bash as my shell. Know basic commands in bash:
ls, pwd, find, cd, mkdir, rm, grep ...
That is basically all I need to do my job (working in java with intellij), but would like to be able to use my machine better. Can anybody recommend a book for me? Hopping for some light reading. I really liked the easy steps book for c++ (when I was just staring c++) and the head first design pattern book.
I already have several unix reference books but hoping for something that is easier (and more fun) to sit down and read.
Would like to learn some tricks and stuff like that about how solaris and more generally unix/linux work but also how the underlying OS functions.
Update: Thanks for the input. I already have this book: Unix in a Nutshell by O'Reilly . This book is a great reference but it does not make good reading. (It is hard to sit down and just read it cover to cover.) I was hoping that someone could suggest something that was fun to read. Similar to the head first design pattern book.