




I have a string that contains multiple parameters delimited by #, like this :

.... #param1# ... #param2# ... #paramN# ...

And I want to replace the parameter placeholders by values.

The current algorithm looks like this:

    //retrieve place holder into this SQL select
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(DIMConstants.FILE_LINE_ESCAPE_INDICATOR);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(sqlToExec); // get a matcher object
    int count = 0;
    int start = 0;
    int end = 0;

    StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
    while (m.find()) {

        if (count % 2 == 0) {

            // Second parameter delimiter

            String patternId = sqlToExec.substring(start, m.end());

            //Clean value (#value#->value)
            String columnName = patternId.substring(1, patternId.length() - 1);

            //Look for this column into preLoad row ResultSet and retrieve its value
            String preLoadTableValue = DIMFormatUtil.convertToString(sourceRow.get(columnName));

            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(preLoadTableValue)) {
            } else {
            params.append(" " + columnName + "=" + preLoadTableValue + " ");

            end = m.end();

        } else {
            // First parameter delimiter
            start = m.start();
            aSQL.append(sqlToExec.substring(end, m.start()));

    if (end < sqlToExec.length()) {
        aSQL.append(sqlToExec.substring(end, sqlToExec.length()));

I'm looking for a simplest solution, using regexp or another public API. Input parameters will be the source string, a delimiter and a map of values. Output parameter will be the source string with all the parameters replaced.

+3  A: 

If this is for a normal SQL query, you might want to look into using PreparedStatements

Beyond that, am I missing something? Why not just use String.replace()? Your code could look like this:

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
   String paramName = "#param" + i + "#"
   sqlToExec = sqlToExec.replace(paramName,values.get(paramName));

That assumes you have a map called "values" with string mappings between parameters in the form "#paramN#"

Chad Okere
The name of the parameters is free, but yes I could read all the keys in the map and to the replace.
Lluis Martinez
The queries are retrieved from an XML and using PreparedStatements implies changing the format of the parameters (to use ?).
Lluis Martinez

If you need it more generic, this will find and return the whole param including the #'s:

public class ParamFinder {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String foo = "#Field1# #Field2# #Field3#";

        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("#.+?#");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(foo);
        List matchesFound = new ArrayList();
        int ndx = 0;
            ndx = m.end();

        for(Object o : matchesFound){

