



is there something I need to "turn on" to allow my mvc application to utilize custom exception filters?

I posted in here last week with code samples to a custom filter I wrote that should catch and handle a custom exception but for some reason I keep getting an error on my throw line indicating that the exception was not handled by user code.

I had a response last week from someone who indicated they copied and pasted my code exactly and it worked fine for them. This makes me wonder if maybe I need to set something web.config or something to tell the app to use the custom filter for unhandled exceptions.

please advise, TIA



How are you implementing? If you inherit from FilterAttribute and IExceptionFilter class/interface, you will have to ensure the exception content has the exceptionhandled flag set to true to prevent the error, I believe.

as it turns out, I'm only seeing the error when I go to debug mode and use the casini (sp) web server. If I 'view in browser' I do not see the error. So I'm thinking it must be a debug setting in VS? Is there anyway to cut those down so it allows the desired output while debugging?