First, I'll start with several comments, then I'll get to the meat of your question.
OO Perl is a bit different than other OO systems. There is a very thin layer of basic support for OO that makes it possible to make your objects do just about anything you want. On the down side, you can make your objects do just about anything you want. Classical OO Perl involves a lot of boilerplate code, as you implement accessors and mutators for each attribute, perhaps add type checking and so forth. This has given rise to a wide variety of tools to automate the production of boilerplate code.
There are three ways that I approach OO Perl: Moose, classical hash based all hand coded, and Class::Struct. Moose is great for systems where you have complex needs, but it has a big impact on app start-up time. If launch time is important for your application, Moose is, for now, out of the question. Class::Struct is a great way to get a lowest common denominator, quick, simple OO app together, on the downside it doesn't support inheritance. This is where hand coded OOP comes in. If Moose or Class::Struct aren't viable options for one reason or another, I fall back on the basics. This strategy has worked well for me. The only change I have felt the need to make over the last few years, is to add Moose to my standard toolkit. It's a welcome addition.
Damian Conway's Object Oriented Perl is an amazing book that clearly explains OOP, how OO Perl works, and how to build objects that can do amazing things. It's a bit dated, but the book still holds up. Any serious student of OO Perl should read this book.
Now, for your question--
It looks to me like breed2
is not an attribute of your object, it is instead a method.
use Class::Struct;
use strict;
use warnings;
struct Breed =>
name => '$',
cross => '$',
struct Cat =>
name => '$',
kittens => '@',
markings => '%',
breed => 'Breed',
my $cat = Cat->new( name => 'Socks',
kittens => ['Monica', 'Kenneth'],
markings => { socks=>1, blaze=>"white" },
breed => { name=>'short-hair', cross=>1 },
# Delegate to Breed::name
sub Cat::breed2 {
my $self = shift;
my $breed = $self->breed; # Get the breed object
my $name;
eval { $name = $breed->name(@_) };
warn "No breed specified for ".( $self->name )."\n"
unless defined $name;
return $name;
print "Once a cat called ", $cat->name, "\n",
"(which was a ", $cat->breed2, ")\n",
"had two kittens: ", join(' and ', @{$cat->kittens}), "\n";
Things get a bit hairier if you want to keep a set of pre-defined breeds, and have breed2
select a breed object by name if no value is set.
This stripped down Cat
implementation uses class data to keep track of allowed cat breeds, and
package Cat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw( croak );
my %breeds = map { $_->{name}, Breed->new( %$_ ) } (
{ name=>'short-hair', cross=>1 },
{ name=>'long-hair', cross=>1 },
{ name=>'siamese', cross=>0 },
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
for my $arg ( keys %args ) {
$self->$arg( $args{$arg} ) if $self->can($arg);
return $self;
sub breed {
my $self = shift;
if( @_ ) {
my $v = shift;
croak "Illegal cat breed" unless eval {$v->isa( 'Breed' ) };
$self->{breed} = $v;
return $self->{breed};
sub breed2 {
my $self = shift;
my @breed_args;
if( @_ ) {
my $v = shift;
croak "$v is not a supported breed\n"
unless exists $breeds{$v};
@breed_args = ( $breeds{$v} );
my $breed = $self->breed(@breed_args);
return unless $breed;
return $breed->name;
Now, lets look at a Moose solution that uses all sorts of advanced goodies like type coercion and overloading:
package Breed;
use Moose;
has 'name' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has 'cross' => ( isa => 'Bool', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
use overload '""' => \&_overload_string;
sub _overload_string {
my $self = shift;
return $self->name;
no Moose;
package Cat;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Carp;
subtype 'MyTypes::CatBreed' => as class_type('Breed');
coerce 'MyTypes::CatBreed' =>
from 'Str'
=> via { Cat->supported_breed_by_name( $_ ) };
has 'name' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', required => 1 );
has 'kittens' => (
traits => ['Array'],
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
default => sub{ [] },
handles => {
all_kittens => 'elements',
add_kittens => 'push',
get_kitten => 'get',
count_kittens => 'count',
has_kittens => 'count',
has 'markings' => (
traits => ['Hash'],
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
default => sub{ {} },
handles => {
set_marking => 'set',
get_marking => 'get',
has_marking => 'exists',
all_markings => 'keys',
delete_marking => 'delete',
has 'breed' => (
isa => 'MyTypes::CatBreed',
is => 'ro',
coerce => 1,
my %breeds;
sub supported_breed_by_name {
my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
croak 'No breed name specified'
unless defined $name and length $name;
return $breeds{$name};
sub add_breed {
my $class = shift;
my $breed = shift;
croak 'No breed specified'
unless eval { $breed->isa('Breed') };
croak 'Breed already exists'
if exists $breeds{$breed};
$breeds{$breed} = $breed;
return $class;
sub delete_breed {
my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
croak 'No breed name specified'
unless defined $name and length $name;
return delete $breeds{$name};
no Moose;
# Set up the supported breeds
Cat->add_breed($_) for map Breed->new( %$_ ), (
{ name=>'short-hair', cross=>1 },
{ name=>'long-hair', cross=>1 },
{ name=>'siamese', cross=>0 },
# Make a cat
my $cat = Cat->new( name => 'Socks',
kittens => ['Monica', 'Kenneth'],
markings => { socks=>1, blaze=>"white" },
breed => 'short-hair',
"Once a cat called ", $cat->name, "\n",
"(which was a ", $cat->breed, ")\n",
"had ", , " kittens: ", join(' and ', @{$cat->kittens}), "\n";