Time scaling movies in After Effects is easy, but how would I do that in Flash? Equations or actionScript would be appreciated.
My movie's 60 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 30 seconds. I want to play the entire movie in 120 seconds. How do I rescale my movie using actionScript 3.0. My movies are probably going to all be the same length and frame rate, if that makes a difference.
Preloaders have elements effected by percentage and scale. I want to do this to movie clips, but have a defined total.
progressbar_mc.scaleX = loaded/total;
//Grapefruits example revised
//No errors at runtime, nothing happens?
//instance of "dude"
var _time_scale:Number = .25;
var _frames_elapsed:int = 0;
var dude:MovieClip;
function handleEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
dude.gotoAndStop(Math.round(dude.totalFrames 1 _frames_elapsed 2 _time_scale));