I have a table named OT Hours which has the following column EmpId, Date, Hours.
I need to insert a constant value in the hour column for 12 months prior to the current date for 6 employees.
Can I use a for loop in the query? If yes, Please provide me with an example. as of now, i can do it in VBA as follows
Dim j As Integer
For j = -11 To 0
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblOTHours (employeeNumber, theDate, HoursType, Position, hoursQuantity) VALUES ('" & S.sanitize(txtEmployeeNumber) & "',DateAdd('m'," & j & ",Format(Now(),'mm/dd/yyyy')),'OT1','" & cmb_position.value & "'," & Round(Val(rs("Avg")) / 12, 1) & ")"
NOTE. i AM USING ms acess. can i do this funtion in the query itself????