Hi, I'm writing this Perl script that gets two command line arguments: a directory and a year. In this directory is a ton of text files or html files(depending on the year). Lets say for instance it's the year 2010 which contains files that look like this <number>rank.html
with the number ranging from 2001 to 2212. I want it to open each file individually and take a part of the title in the html file and print it to a text file. However, when I run my code it just prints the first files title to the text file. It seems that it only ever opens the first file 2001rank.html and no others. I'll post the code below and thanks to anyone that helps.
my $directory = shift or "Must supply directory\n";
my $year = shift or "Must supply year\n";
unless (-d $directory) {
die "Error: Directory must be a directory\n";
unless ($directory =~ m/\/$/) {
$directory = "$directory/";
open COLUMNS, "> columns$year.txt" or die "Can't open columns file";
my $column_name;
for (my $i = 2001; $i <= 2212; $i++) {
if ($year >= 2009) {
my $html_file = $directory.$i."rank.html";
open FILE, $html_file;
#check if opened correctly, if not, skip it
unless (defined fileno(FILE)) {
print "skipping $html_file\n";
$/ = "\n";
my $line = <FILE>;
if (defined $line) {
$column_name = "";
$_ = <FILE> until m{</title>};
$_ =~ m{<title>CIA - The World Factbook -- Country Comparison :: (.+)</title>}i;
$column_name = $1;
else {
close FILE;
close FILE;
else {
my $text_file = $directory.$i."rank.txt";
open FILE, $text_file;
unless (defined fileno(FILE)) {
print "skipping $text_file\n";
$/ = "\r";
my $line = <FILE>;
if (defined $line) {
$column_name = "";
$_ = <FILE> until /Rank/i;
$_ =~ /Rank(\s+)Country(\s+)(.+)(\s+)Date/i;
$column_name = $3;
else {
close FILE;
close FILE;
print "Adding $column_name to text file\n";
print COLUMNS "$column_name\n";
close COLUMNS;
In other words $column_name
gets set equal to the same thing every pass in the loop, even though I know the html files are different.