Looking for a simple way to HTML encode a string/object in perl. the least amount of additional packages used the better.
HTML::Entities is your friend here.
use HTML::Entities;
my $encoded = encode_entities( "foo & bar & <baz>" );
2010-01-20 21:29:54
Which do you need to encode, a string or an object? If it's just a string, then you should just have to worry about encoding issues such as UTF-8, and CGI::escape will probably do the trick for you. If it's an object, you'll need to serialize it first, which opens up a whole new set of issues, but you might want to consider JSON-encoding it.
PS. Although since I can't find any recent documentation on this method (it's actually imported from CGI::Util and is marked as "internal"), you should probably use escapeHTML() as daxim points out in his comment: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CGI#AUTOESCAPING_HTML
2010-01-20 21:30:17
The function is called `escapeHTML`. Proper deeplink: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CGI#AUTOESCAPING_HTML
2010-01-21 13:36:32
@daxim: `CGI::escape` very much exists; it's actually defined in CGI::Util and imported into CGI proper. If you look at the source there are some subtle differences in implementation, which are sadly not well described in the documentation.
2010-01-21 19:03:04
Alright. I'm not able to undo the vote because it is too old.
2010-01-21 19:08:31
@daxim: I've edited the post so you get another crack at that vote :)
2010-01-21 19:31:13