I have a cfc
<cffunction name="addEditPerson" access="remote" returntype="struct">
a bunch of cfarguments
var returnThis = structNew();
var error = '';
if (trim(arguments.fname) == ''){error=error&'<li>Enter a First Name</li>';}
if (trim(arguments.lname) == ''){error=error&'<li>Enter a Last Name</li>';}
if (len(trim(arguments.username)) lt 5){error=error&'<li>Enter a User Name (at least five(5) characters long)</li>';}
if (trim(arguments.password) == ''){arguments.canLogin = false;}
if (error != ''){
return returnThis;
There is obviously more to the cfc but I can't seem to get the error to return from the structure.
I am using this jquery statement:
var fName = $("#newPersonFname").val();
var lName = $("#newPersonLname").val();
var companyName = $("#newPersonCompanyName").val();
var userName = $("#newPersonUserName").val();
var roleID = $("#newPersonRole").val();
var dataStr = 'fName='+fName+'&lName='+lName+'&companyName='+companyName+'&userName='+userName+'&roleID='+roleID;
data: dataStr,
success: function(msg) {
But in the success statement I am not sure how to get to the structure returned from the cfc. I would think I could call msg.error and get the info but I can't. I am using firebug in firedox and I can see that the POST request it being made but the response is complete empty. I don't know if it will make a difference but here is the form:
<div id="personForm">
<div class="pageHeader">Add New Person</div>
<div id="newPersonError"></div>
First Name : <input id="newPersonFname" type="text" name="newPersonFname" value=""><br/>
Last Name : <input id="newPersonLname" type="text" name="newPersonLname" value=""><br/>
User Name : <input id="newPersonUserName" type="text" name="newPersonUserName" value=""><br/>
Company Name : <input id="newPersonCompanyName" type="text" name="newPersonCompanyName" value=""><br/>
Role : <select id="newPersonRole" name="newPersonRole">
<option value="0">Select person's role<cfoutput query="roleList"><option value="#roleID#">#role#</cfoutput>
<input id="addNewPerson" type="button" name="addPerson" value="Add New Person">
Any help is greatly apprieciated, Lance