I have two questions here:
Question 1:
-- can thrift provide an inner-class functionality? (see my example next)
-- if it can, can thrift use such functionality easily?
Here is the scribe interface (scribe/if/scribe.thrift). But its message field can only be string, which I believe not flexible enough.
!/usr/local/bin/thrift --cpp --php
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Facebook
... ...
See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Scribe site at:
include "fb303/if/fb303.thrift"
namespace cpp scribe.thrift
enum ResultCode { OK, TRY_LATER }
struct LogEntry { 1: string category, 2: string message }
service scribe extends fb303.FacebookService { ResultCode Log(1: list messages); }
It would be great if I can do the following thing (I don't even know if thrift itself provides the inner-class functionality according to its document-- but protocol buffer definitely can).
enum ResultCode { OK, TRY_LATER }
struct MyLogStructure { 1: string field_name; 2: string value; }
struct LogEntry { 1: string category, 2: MyLogStructure message }
service scribe extends fb303.FacebookService { ResultCode Log(1: list messages); }
Question 2:
-- Can scribe use protocol buffer as the internal data representation easily? (without too much code modification)
-- If the answer to the above question is "no", did Google open-source its sribe implementation?