Java doesn't seem nearly as "well served" as .NET with tool lists on the Internet. There's James Selvakumar’s article entitled "Must have tools for a Java Developer" which has items I don't agree with. (Do FireFox and MySQL qualify as development tools?).
There is also the Java Power Tools book.
Assuming you already have a half-decent IDE and source safe repository, what three Java tools are on your "must-have" list?
Update (03/11) : Summary of the answers:
- IntelliJ IDEA 3
- Hudson 3
- JIRA 3
- JProfiler 2
- Cobertura 2
- Maven 2
- JUnit, preferably along with a mocking framework (e.g. Mockito, EasyMock) 2
- ANT + CI server 2
- yourkit profiler 2
- NetBeans profiler 1
- FindBugs 1
- javap 1
- wireshark/wsmonitor/SoapUI/Fiddler 1
- trac 1
- pack200 1
- Sonar 1
- gvim 1
- make 1
- Bugzilla 1
- VMware with JBOSS 1
- JAD 1
- JClasslib 1
- clover 1
- bamboo 1