



I use the superb Formtastic plugin for Ruby on Rails.

Does anybody know how to include a blank (option), when using a custom collection?

When I try:

<%= f.input :organizations, :collection => Organization.all(:order => :name), :include_blank => true %>

I get the select box with the collection, but NOT a blank...

+5  A: 

What kind of association is :organizations? Does it work if you specify :as => :select?

There's spec coverage for the following belongs_to select, date, time and datetime inputs:

f.input(:author, :as => :select, :include_blank => true)
f.input(:created_at, :as => :date, :include_blank => true)
f.input(:created_at, :as => :time, :include_blank => true)
f.input(:created_at, :as => :datetime, :include_blank => true)

My guess is that organizations is not a belongs_to association, right? If it's a :has_many or :has_and_belongs_to_many association, Formtastic will try to do checkboxes or a multi-select. In the case of a multi-select, obviously it makes no sense to have a blank line in there (you just don't select any of the items).

Hope this helps, please post some more details about the models and associations in question.

Justin French

Thanks for your answer.

I tried a :as => select before, but then I had trouble sorting the data alphabetically.

It is a many-to-many relationship, but sometimes there's no organization connected to this model. If the user by mistake selected a field in the multi-select, there's no way of undoing it now. That's why I figured we needed a blank, so the user could also explicitly select 'there is none'.

Kind Regards,


You can provide the :collection option with :as => :select to sort out the ordering issue.
Justin French