



Is there any way to limit a user's login access to only, say, 5 IP addresses daily? Such that if a user account tried to login in the same day from a 6th different IP address, they would be denied. I would like this restriction to reset at the end of the day, however.

If Authlogic doesn't provide a way to track this out of the box, what ideas do you have about how I should implement this? As you can probably tell, I'm already using Authlogic for authentication.

My main goal is to limit my user's ability to share their login with a non-registered user; I know that most people's IP address will change periodically throughout the day because hardly anyone has a personal static IP, but I think 5 is a fair number of allowances, even taking into account that a user may visit my site on their iPhone, or at Starbucks, etc.


UPDATE: After reading through many of the comments on the link provided by @tadman, I'm thinking that it might be more useful to limit the number of new sessions created on a machine that had none previously instead of by IP address. If I understand how Authlogic works, sessions are a combination of server-side records and a cookie in the user's browser, correct? If I "log out" of my site, the cookie is still there in my browser, is it not? Just with an expired value or something like that. Can I test against that? Such that if a computer that doesn't have that cookie at all I would consider to be a completely NEW login, and I would limit the number of new logins to 5 a day? Would that be feasible approach?

See this user's comments about rate limiting by IP for an angle on what I mean:

+1  A: 

Although you can track this in a database, a more lightweight solution is to track this using Memcached. This allows you to do other things, like limiting login rates and restricting the number of unique IPs a person may visit from over the course of a given time.

The nice thing about Memcached is it will automatically expire records after a specified period of time. With the database-driven approach you will have to do this yourself.


Thanks for the heads up, but how would I implement this? The example you provided seems to rate limit for a specific IP; I'd want to do it on my User model...?
You could track the User ID just the same as the IP, or perhaps a combination of both.
Reading your edit above, I think you might want to track the number of unique sessions per user per day, or something of the sort.
Yeah, that would be what I would want to do. Can I do this with memchaced, or do I have to use a database approach?

I'd probably create a table called sessions, which contains ip_address, logged_in_at, user_id. You'd do something like this when a user logs in:

session = => ip_address)
if session.valid?!
  redirect_to root_url
  redirect_to you_cant_login_url

In your session.rb, you'd have

class Session < AR:B
  belongs_to :user
  validate :hasnt_logged_in_a_bunch
  def hasnt_logged_in_a_bunch
    if self.user.sessions.count(:conditions => ['logged_in_at > ?',]) > 5
      self.errors.add_to_base("You've logged in too many times")

Sorry if this is a bit ugly and isn't valid code, but it should hopefully point you in the right direction.

Thanks, but it looks like this might impede on what Authlogic does already (not sure, but I don't really want to bother Authlogic if possible). Any thoughts about my question edit above?