




Hi I am intermediate in java but as one of the company requirements they are looking for JAVA+RUBY programming language.. Can anybody help how to get started with Ruby I need to get it done in next one month so that I can crack the interview of the company... I wanna know how does Ruby work like compiler, is it platform independent or how does byte code generated.. I must be able to write the small level programs in Ruby.. Like in java First I need to download JDK den getting started with programs.. How about Ruby what all I need to install in my computer..


+1  A: 

The Pickaxe book

Why's guide

The "pickaxe book" is the slang name for "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide" (so called because of the image of a pickaxe on the cover of the printed version). This book is a great introduction to the language as well as a useful reference. Best of all, it's free and very easy to read. I would definitely recommend this book as the first read for anyone looking to learn the language. It covers installing Ruby as well as both low- and high-level details of the language, all while providing lots of sample code.

Start here:


Once you do the 15 minute walk-through, go here:

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide

Justin Niessner

To Ruby from Java:


That is the official site for Ruby and will be able to point you to language downloads and other resources.

Alison R.
+1  A: 

Downloading the Ruby Koans is another great way to learn http://github.com/edgecase/ruby_koans


How about the Ruby language web site: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/

Also, I would advise you not to try and come across as a ruby expert in the interview after only playing with it for a month. It's better to err on the side of honesty, because a good interviewer will be able to tell when you are faking it... or worse, it will show when you start working.

Ruby is a cool language... have fun!

+2  A: 

Kind of surprised no one has mentioned JRuby yet.

One of its strengths is the ability to natively call Java classes, so you can use a lot of the frameworks from Java that you're already familiar with.

Jordan Reiter
+1  A: 

Pragrog books are always good:
