




I run a Pinax-site for collaborative purposes. I added 'account.middleware.AuthenticatedMiddleware' to 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES' in order to not allow anonymous access to anything on the site.

But now I need public APIs to be enabled. Is there any solutions besides adding 'login_required'-decorator at all the views that still need to be private?

edit Gregor Müllegger answer doesn't work. settings.AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS seems to get overwritten somewhere in the code

class AuthenticatedMiddleware(object):
    def __init__(self, login_url=None, redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME):
        if login_url is None:
            login_url = settings.LOGIN_URL
        self.redirect_field_name = redirect_field_name
        self.login_url = login_url
        self.exemptions = [
            r"^%s" % settings.MEDIA_URL,
            r"^%s" % settings.STATIC_URL,
            r"^%s$" % login_url,
        if ( settings.AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS):
            self.exemptions += settings.AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS


doesn't print my settings but this:

settings.AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS  ['^/account/signup/$', '^/account/password_reset', '^/account/confirm_email', '^/openid']

I will try to fix it.


I just found a solution:

  • generate a second django-project

  • use the same db-setting

  • link to the needed apps (models.py only if you want to overide the views)

  • add apps to INSTALLED_APPS, remove all others

Please leave your comments

This is a hack - Gregor Müllegger is the proper way to do it.
Can u explain why this solution worth a down-vote? A hack isn't necessarily evil.
This solution is worth a down-vote. You would have to maintain two project paths, two copies of settings etc. It would violate the main principle of Django- Don't Repeat Yourself.
right now it is the only solution that works for me, as Gregor Müllegger doesn't work (see my edit)
To make this solution not so hacky you can use just a second settings file instead of a complete new project. Create a `api_settings.py` file and include something like this: from settings import * INSTALLED_APPS = ( # the apps you need for the api ) URL_ROOT = 'api_urls.py' # ...Now you can start the "api project" the same way as the original project. You just must set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to `api_settings` instead of `settings`.
Gregor Müllegger
+3  A: 

Have a look at the source code of AuthenticatedMiddleware.

It reveals that there is a setting called AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS. It can contain regular expressions that are left public. Set it to something like this in your settings.py:


This will make any URLs below /api/ available without being logged in.t

Gregor Müllegger
please see my edit
The urls in `AUTHENTICATED_EXEMPT_URLS` you described above are defined in the default settings of the `intranet_project` (see this please: http://github.com/pinax/pinax/blob/ddfd4b8cac714ffc30c73604e5399860210054f0/pinax/projects/intranet_project/settings.py#L199 ). You can append your urls (like `r'api/'`) to it. *(Tip: I often search the whole code base of my projects to find such redefinitions with `grep -r` or something similiar. This helps out most of the time)*
Gregor Müllegger
I dont think, overwriting the default-blueprint is useful, as it breaks updatecycles. Instead I altered `exemptions` in `<my_project>/apps/account/middleware.py`