



I have a pretty simple setup. To sum it up here's what I'm doing:

class Movie
  include MongoMapper::Document
  has_one :setting

class Setting
  include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
  belongs_to :movie

What I want to do is to update the setting of a movie in the same form as the movie other information. Therefor I do that :

- form_for ['movies', @movie] do |f|
  # ...
  -f.fields_for @movie.setting do |ms|
    # ...

This doesn't work as I get this error :

stack level too deep

[text bellow is repeated a hundred time or so]

/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/one_proxy.rb:46:in `find_target'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/proxy.rb:98:in `load_target'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/proxy.rb:88:in `method_missing'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/one_proxy.rb:56:in `target_class'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/one_proxy.rb:46:in `find_target'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/proxy.rb:98:in `load_target'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations/one_proxy.rb:17:in `replace'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/associations.rb:39:in `setting='
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:185:in `send'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:185:in `initialize'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:177:in `each'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:177:in `initialize'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/dirty.rb:42:in `initialize'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:91:in `new'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/embedded_document.rb:91:in `initialize_doc'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/document.rb:316:in `find_one'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/document.rb:321:in `find_one!'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/document.rb:88:in `find!'
/Users/marc/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mongo_mapper-0.6.10/lib/mongo_mapper/document.rb:96:in `find'
/Users/marc/Code/mycompany/dontreadthat/sources/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:53:in `set_page_title'

Here's the catch : When I replace the has_one relationship by a key in the Movie model:

key :setting, Setting

... it works fine. No stack error.

I could just drop the relation and go with the key but :

  • It's not pretty

  • If I try to update movie.setting using .update_attributes it drops all the other attributes. Let's say I update movie.setting.key1, it will reset movie.setting.key2... which is normal

I can't find anything helpful out there, so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

+2  A: 

I'm pretty sure that has_one relationships aren't supported as embedded documents. So, for example, this does work:

class Setting
  include MongoMapper::Document
  key :movie_id, ObjectId
  belongs_to :movie

class Movie
  include MongoMapper::Document
  one :setting, :class => Setting

If you don't want the first-class Settings document, which you probably don't need, you might consider storing these settings using a key of type Hash or another key of some custom type you've defined for Mongo. See the WindowSize class in the MongoMapper test suite for an example.

Kyle Banker
Thanks for the answer. I still have my problem: if I do it that way, everytime I try to access @movie.setting I get a "undefined method `first' for Setting:Class" error...

I ended up setting the Setting as a key and overloading the = method :

in movie

  def setting=(new_setting)
    super ( (self.setting.nil?)? new_setting : (self.setting.keys.merge new_setting) )

and in setting

  def keys
    keys_hash = {}
    self.attributes.each do |attribute|
      keys_hash.merge!( {attribute[0].to_s => attribute[1].to_s}) unless attribute[0].to_s == "_id"
    return keys_hash

It's not optimal, but it'll work fine until there is a better way of doing has_one relationships.
