





How should like a regex which validates the name and surname, so that each word starts with a capital letter? this does not work: @"[^A-Z]?[a-z]*"


+1  A: 

Try this:


Note that this is, however, not a good way to validate names. Depending on the locale, non-ASCII UTF8 characters may be used. Also, not all names start with an uppercase letter. The following names exist in the real world:

Martha de Lange Norton
Marcél du Toit

Hence, this is a little better - it just makes sure that each character is a valid letter:


That said, the best way to do this may depend on the implementation of the regular expression engine, so we'd need to know the language and/or regex library that you are using.

Edit based on your answer: If you need to parse both fields at the same time, try this:

@"" defines a string literal in C#, eliminating the need to do double escaping. Helpful for regexes. (Although it's superfluous for the OP's regex since there are no special characters.)
Alison R.
So i have:[RegexValidator(@"[A-Z][a-z]*", MessageTemplate = "Name must be valid!", Ruleset="validate_name")]And the test passes with "laddf Ghu" for example, which is not correct (laddf does not start with capital letter).

That states that it does NOT start with one or more capitals. ^ within the character class means negation... [^A-Z] means everything except capitals. Outside of the brackets, it means 'beginning of the string', which I assume is what you intended. You want this:

^[A-Z]?[a-z]* for one or more of capitals at the beginning, or

^[A-Z][a-z]* for exactly one capital, or

^[A-Z][A-Za-z]* for capitals anywhere, but definitely one at the beginning.

I would go with the last one since McGregor is a legal name. But don't forget about O'Reilly.