




I am using a 3rd party library function which reads a set of keywords from a file, and is supposed to return a tuple of values. It does this correctly as long as there are at least two keywords. However, in the case where there is only one keyword, it returns a raw string, not a tuple of size one. This is particularly pernicious because when I try to do something like

for keyword in library.get_keywords():
    # Do something with keyword

, in the case of the single keyword, the for iterates over each character of the string in succession, which throws no exception, at run-time or otherwise, but is nevertheless completely useless to me.

My question is two-fold:

Clearly this is a bug in the library, which is out of my control. How can I best work around it?

Secondly, in general, if I am writing a function that returns a tuple, what is the best practice for ensuring tuples with one element are correctly generated? For example, if I have

def tuple_maker(values):
    my_tuple = (values)
    return my_tuple

for val in tuple_maker("a string"):
    print "Value was", val

for val in tuple_maker(["str1", "str2", "str3"]):
    print "Value was", val

I get

Value was a
Value was  
Value was s
Value was t
Value was r
Value was i
Value was n
Value was g
Value was str1
Value was str2
Value was str3

What is the best way to modify the function my_tuple to actually return a tuple when there is only a single element? Do I explicitly need to check whether the size is 1, and create the tuple seperately, using the (value,) syntax? This implies that any function that has the possibility of returning a single-valued tuple must do this, which seems hacky and repetitive.

Is there some elegant general solution to this problem?


for your first problem you could check if the return value is tuple using

type(r) is tuple
isinstance(r, tuple)
# one-liner
def as_tuple(r): return [ tuple([r]), r ][type(r) is tuple]

the second thing i like to use tuple([1]). think it is a matter of taste. could probably also write a wrapper, for example def tuple1(s): return tuple([s])

+1  A: 

Rather than checking for a length of 1, I'd use the isinstance built-in instead.

>>> isinstance('a_str', tuple)
>>> isinstance(('str1', 'str2', 'str3'), tuple)
Josh Wright
+4  A: 

For your first problem, I'm not really sure if this is the best answer, but I think you need to check yourself whether the returned value is a string or tuple and act accordingly.

As for your second problem, any variable can be turned into a single valued tuple by placing a , next to it:

>>> x='abc'
>>> x
>>> tpl=x,
>>> tpl

Putting these two ideas together:

>>> def make_tuple(k):
...     if isinstance(k,tuple):
...             return k
...     else:
...             return k,
>>> make_tuple('xyz')
>>> make_tuple(('abc','xyz'))
('abc', 'xyz')

Note: IMHO it is generally a bad idea to use isinstance, or any other form of logic that needs to check the type of an object at runtime. But for this problem I don't see any way around it.

+7  A: 

You need to somehow test for the type, if it's a string or a tuple. I'd do it like this:

keywords = library.get_keywords()
if not isinstance(keywords, tuple):
    keywords = (keywords,) # Note the comma
for keyword in keywords:
Lennart Regebro
This works, provided that lists are supposed to be wrapped in one-tuples.
@jcd: They are. See the first sentence of the question.
Lennart Regebro
@Lennart Regebro: Ok, thanks. I was wary about checking type, but there doesn't seem to be much alternative. I will probably wrap the libary function with a wrapper like this, and call that from my own code. And raise a bug with the library maintainer. ;)
+1  A: 

Your tuple_maker doesn't do what you think it does. An equivalent definition of tuple maker to yours is

def tuple_maker(input):
    return input

What you're seeing is that tuple_maker("a string") returns a string, while tuple_maker(["str1","str2","str3"]) returns a list of strings; neither return a tuple!

Tuples in Python are defined by the presence of commas, not brackets. Thus (1,2) is a tuple containing the values 1 and 2, while (1,) is a tuple containing the single value 1.

To convert a value to a tuple, as others have pointed out, use tuple.

>>> tuple([1])
>>> tuple([1,2])
`tuple()` creates a tuple out of any iterable; not any value. `tuple('abc') ==> ('a', 'b', 'c')`, `tuple(3) ==> error!`
@me_and: Thanks for the clarification about tuple definition. But Javier highlights the problem I'm having very well (I had already tried using `tuple` before posting here, and discovered it doesn't help me).
+1  A: 

Is it absolutely necessary that it returns tuples, or will any iterable do?

import collections
def iterate(keywords):
    if not isinstance(keywords, collections.Iterable):
        yield keywords
        for keyword in keywords:
            yield keyword

for keyword in iterate(library.get_keywords()):
    print keyword
@Epcylon: +1 - This is an interesting idea for my own functions, but doesn't help me with my 3rd party library.
+2  A: 

There's always monkeypatching!

# Store a reference to the real library function
really_get_keywords = library.get_keywords

# Define out patched version of the function, which uses the real
# version above, adjusting its return value as necessary
def patched_get_keywords():
    """Make sure we always get a tuple of keywords."""
    result = really_get_keywords()
    return result if isinstance(result, tuple) else (result,)

# Install the patched version
library.get_keywords = patched_get_keywords

NOTE: This code might burn down your house and sleep with your wife.

Will McCutchen
@Will McCutchen: +1 - A good point! But I think it will be safer to wrap but not install patched version - I don't know enough about the library's internals to guarantee I won't break something else that depends on this behaviour.